It’s hard to describe the feeling of ancient traditions being continued when one hears the Samburu singing. It brings something special to ones life that lives on inside ones very being. #walkingwithcamels #milgistrust #uniqueexperience #remotenwildkenya
As we march on each day, the wonderful Samburu team pack up camp onto the many camels and follow us. As they draw closer they often begin to sing. Sometimes they dance too. It’s something special that one never forgets.#memoriesforlife #culturalmagnificence #getsintothesoil #kenyacamelsafari #ndutomountains @remote_n_wild_kenya
What a day in Bwindi, wet, rain , hard hiking but oh so worth it. Finding a family of 13 gorillas, all ages and hairstyles. A perfect hour in their company was more than special. #gorillatrekking #rainforest #uganda @
Stayed at Volcanoes Kyambura Gorge Lodge. top notch. Exceptional in every way. Really enjoyed the Kyambura gorge hike. It was flooded so could only access one side but we saw Chimps.
Trekking gorillas tomorrow 🦍 Early start!
Stayed at Volcanoes Kyambura Gorge Lodge. top notch. Exceptional in every way. Really enjoyed the Kyambura gorge hike. It was flooded so could only access one side but we saw Chimps.
Trekking gorillas tomorrow 🦍 Early start!
Zebras get caught crossing into Kenya. #Migration
An early River Crossing in the #MasaiMara caught by our honeymoon guests who have just returned from 2 weeks in Kenya.
Lioness wrestles kill from a leopard.
Extraordinary clip of a hungry lioness who spots dinner up a tree.
New Years greetings from africa.
This was sent to me by dear friend who knew it would resonate. The message is clear and brilliantly portrayed. Enjoy and I am sure you will agree. Thanks to the creator. Happy New Year to all you exclusive followers of Outposts’s Travel Africa. #safaristoafrica #traveltoafrica
I believe this is so right. If we don’t learn from this we are crazy. We must all make choices for the future of our families and for this earth.
Driving down a dry river bed looking for shade for a picnic lunch we came across this #giraffe who had found his own tree to stand under. Sadly for him we had to get past and disturbed him. #shadeishardtofind #namibia