A small flavour of Dharamshala & McLeod Ganj. Set high in the foothills of India’s Himalayas, and where compassion and spirituality seemingly flow out of the foundations.
🔝Hey, behold, I’ve shared an article about returning to Dharamshala after 30 years on the Brighton to the Taj Mahal…by rail blog. Link in the profile.
I know I’ve already well and truly spilled the beans, but it’s probably still well worth a read, right? Do pls share your thoughts on the Joy v Danger of revisiting any of your travel greats.
#tajmahalbyrail #tagskryt #selectiveasia #india #dharamshala #mcleodganj #unfollowtheherd
Nowhere demands your attention quite like India. The final leg of Nicks journey from Brighton to the #tajmahalbyrail is underway and what a place to start. Amritsar’s Golden Temple.
#tagskryt #india #railtravel #responsibletravel #amritsar #goldentemple
Is anything else as atmospheric as south Asia’s railways?
Yes they’re grubby, the stations hectic and at times maddening. However, lurking just beneath the surface is a level of structure and organisation that our friends at Southern* Rail can only dream of.
So I say embrace the madness.
Grab a chai, carefully peak your head out of the open door of the now moving train or kick back and enjoy the ride.
*replace with your chosen flavour of UK train provider
#tagskryt #tajmahalbyrail #traintravel #pakistan
🇮🇷😢❤️➡️ 🇵🇰👋
A final montage of Iran, this time a flavour of the mesmerising landscapes I passed amongst (and honestly I’ve barely scratched the surface).
I had hoped to be filling the screen with tantalising images of Pakistan by now, however there’s been something of a delay m. 4 days to be precise. Im confined to a guarded compound at the Taftan border whilst necessary security is arranged to accompany us through Baluchistan.
I’d been warned that travelling through this region was challenging and ill-advised, but that’s where the train tracks go so I was stuck with it. Heightened tensions continue since the very sad events in Quetta last weekend.
#iran #tajmahalbyrail #landscapes #nofilter
All change please!
So here we are, in just the space of just a few days we crossed into Asia at istanbul AND I bid farewell to Sarah, who’s heading home. We go our separate ways with bags overflowing with special memories, and I venture on through Turkiye and beyond. 🇹🇷
Upon setting off eastwards today, the change in landscape has been immediate. Vast arid planes, speckled with small villages sat baking in the afternoon sun. It’s great to be back in Asia, the smells, sounds and terrain are all that more familiar to me. Although almost all of the route for the next 5 weeks, until I hit northern India, is new to me. Exciting times ahead.
Bye for a while Sarah, I’m really going to miss sharing a window with you x #tajmahalbyrail #tågskryt #türkiye #railtravel #selectiveasia
Sailing across the ocean is another kind of pleasure, and doing it aboard a traditional, beautifully restored pinisi boat takes it to the next level. Take a peek at what one day aboard this stunning spice vessel looks like, and be enspired to island hop in style.
#exploretheworld #unfollowtheherd #selectiveasia #exploreindonesia #komodoisland #sailingadventure #indonesia #beatravellernotatourist