Was fab to be picked this year by American Express' Small Business Saturday to be part of their UK 2024 Tour campaign - had a great time showing them around our beloved and brilliant Brighton...here's a little Insta reel they took
Ahhhh we miss you all so much! Thank you for the amazing deliveries over the past few weeks from @curry_leaf_cafe @moshimobrighton @bohogelatobtn @rainboworganicchocolates @sugardoughhove @quaffwine @theflourpotbakerybrighton @open_bakery_brighton Thanks for the cookery demos by @thechillipickle and the love from all our customers & collaborators too ### #foodtours #foodtourism #brighton #brightonfoodtours #lockdownlife
This is authentic Genoese focaccia from @cacciaandtails Based in Lewes and with a pop up shop in @bohogelatobtn on Ship St - Elisa’s dad is from Genoa and she learnt to make the real deal over there. Dripping in gorgeous olive oil and traditionally eaten “Sotto sopra” - upside down - so your palate gets the full whack of flavour. Hello Mama!
And here's a little clip of our lovely new website in action ⬇️⬇️⬇️. To see it in the flesh, nip over to brightonfoodtours.com
Mmmm, can you smell it?! Can you?! Go on, have a big sniff!!....Mmm, that's the gorgeous aroma of freshly roasting coffee beans at the brilliant @redroastercoffee roastery in deepest Kemptown. One of our all time favourite places to get our coffee but also just to hang out and breathe in the pure coffee bean ecstasy heaven! Mmmm...
Ok this isn’t a food post but it’s too good not to share. I failed badly at visiting any of our local food stalls @thehappymaki @deadgoodburrito and @flourpotbakery stall; largely because the queues were too big! Hope you had a good one Brighton foodies! #glastonbury #glastonburyfestival #thecure #pyramidstage
Steaming Sunday yorkies.....
😍 #yorkshirepudding #sundaylunch #roastdinner #hotfromtheoven #homecooking #food #brightonfood
We had a great 2018!!! Thanks to all our vendors, friends, supporters and collaborators ### Cat & Angela ###
Benni Levi from @Machneyuda Market , Jerusalem; putting on a falafel show just for me!
Foodies on film 🎥!... Here's a mini clip of us in our movie debut - talking about the Brighton Food Tours story and waxing lyrical about how great it is to be a @visit.brighton partner! Check out the full version on our page to see @englishsofbrighton @befries.official @bohogelatobtn @curry_leaf_cafe and @birdandblendtea in action too... Now where's our winnebago and pink M&Ms? #divas #foodonfilm
Woo hoo! We're out and about in Brighton, filming today 🎥... Great shot of Becky whisking matcha at @birdandblendtea... #filmwithinafilm
We love it when our punters get involved! Here are the lovely women from yesterday's private tour - from a tiny village in the far far north of Iceland (population 250!) - getting into the whole Basketmaker's Arms 'tobacco tins on the walls' tradition!... After finding some classic Brighton poetry in the first tin they opened ("Roses are red violets are blue, aren't you glad you don't live in a loo?") they then repaid the pleasure by leaving a little hand-drawn map of Iceland showing their hometown, with the message "með kveðju frá Raufarhöfn, Íslandi" (greetings from Raufarhöfn, Iceland)... such a lovely moment and a real highlight for us!