Lynne Speight Astrology

Lynne Speight Astrology Astrological consultancy - local and Skype consultations. A wide range of Astrology group facilitation for both adult and teenage groups..home and away.

Phoenix Rising Astrology provides wise and insightful Astrological consultancy, including face to face and Skype and educational group facilitation in a welcoming eco-friendly straw bale studio on the edge of Dartmoor. Lynne Speight has over 25 years of experience in Astrology alongside a Diploma from the Astrological Psychological Institute Switzerland.

THE JUPITER-URANUS CONJUNCTION...and perceiving the wonders of our world.The current Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Ta**u...

THE JUPITER-URANUS CONJUNCTION...and perceiving the wonders of our world.
The current Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Ta**us has been moving into connection for the last's become big stuff across social media and in many conversations.
Let's explore....
Jupiter and Uranus conjoin every 13-14yrs, co-inciding within a particular Zodiac sign, sequentially. These Gods of expanding perspectives and wild awakenings stream into and through us human beans, in a co-weaving.
They vibe humanity with the potential to grow, expand, provoking and beckoning us to see the area of Life expressed through the lens of the particular Zodiac sign, from a whole new perspective. Our angle of vision may be significantly opened into wide and far-angled.
This sometimes leads to revolution, previously unimagined inventions, innovations, or happenings which rock the world.
This weekend, Jupiter and Uranus are now fully joined together in their alchemical marriage, the ceremony is happening, consummating and opening up a phase which will last for the next 13-14yrs.
During this phase, Jupiter and Uranus' own progression and evolution in relationship to one another, alongside other planets or Sky deities adding their gifts along the way, will weave a new tapestry and a new potential will be seeded into humanity.
And this begins with each individual human pod of being and awareness experiencing their very own response and receiving of these awakening and expanding energies.
We are being invited, touched, moved, inspired into a new realm of perception, to add to the collective.
We are each seeds of potential shaping the field of the collective.
I have seen many 'WOW' blogs on this conjunction, presenting this conjunction as something which will simply happen TO us, with amazing consciousness expansion and maybe even a new paradigm launching.
As if by magic, without our engagement and response.
Yet we are beings of Fate and Free Will.
We experience so much...a myriad vast variety of events, during our time on Earth. And we have the opportunity, within every experience, to respond and shape our 'being' within and alongside the experience, and how it touches and moves us.
We are co-creators of our life experiences...a magical weaving of Fate and Free Will.
We are co-weavers.
So, back to this grand conjunction...
Let's definitely keep our curious eyes upon world events and what is happening in the Zeitgeist.
And...let's not forget that we each have our unique way of receiving, experiencing and engaging with Jupiter and Uranus expanding our awareness of Ta**us aspects of Life. And this contributes to the is an opening of true conversation with the panetary deities and the Zeitgeist.
We huimans can experience the sensual wonders of being in a body on this Earth.
The treasures and pleasures of experiencing the world through five amazing physical see beauty, colour and nuance of form, to hear exquisite birdsong and music, to taste and savour yummy foods and drinks, to catch aromas and breathe them in with an 'Aaaaaah', to feel silken textures with our fingertips, to feel the ecstasy of Life on Earth.
Maybe amidst this Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, we could pause to notice any recent awakened perceptions, not only regarding our body perceptions and experiences, but also towards what we HAVE on Earth.
Our amazing resources of food, plants for medicine and healing, for building and sustaining our homes, for furniture and dishes and cutlery, for tools, for clothing and crafting and exploring, for ornamentation.
And through the tragedy of loss of home, food, safety, being able to sustain security , of DIS-honouring what we receive from the Earth, what we truly value, need and love emerge as stark realisations....even when we watch this happening seemingly far away, we can pause, feel and witness our response, our imagining into that reality. And expand our perception.
WE can practice being active in doing this...creating a wider and richer field of perception through simple slowing and dropping into...
We can notice what we truly value, what is most precious to us, in our life on Earth...what may we have forgotten to honour, to love, to cherish with respect and gratitude to the magic of our existence on this amazing planet.
Maybe we can remember to give thanks, to Mother Earth, to the essence of Creation itself, which has seeded every aspect of our life experience.
So maybe these seemingly simple yet truly profound areas can be our awakening.
And through this, we can recognise our own personal eurekas...and so the world evolves.
Go slow...touch the Earth and remember process and evolution have their own timing.
And as you slow and touch the Earth, or watch that seed breaking through it's seed case with the determined magic of creation and becoming, what wonders do you perceive?

AWAKENING SLUMBERING DRAGONSSo here we are in the dark old moon phase which precedes tomorrow's Aries New moon and Solar...

So here we are in the dark old moon phase which precedes tomorrow's Aries New moon and Solar eclipse (mid evening UK time)
The Sun and New Moon also form a conjunction with Chiron, alongside Mercury and Venus also being in Aries.
The heat is on!
So firstly - Dark Moon phase (1-2 days preceding New Moon), is an all-important yet oft skipped over lunar phase of naturally moving inwards and resting, focussing upon the out breathing part of life's rhythm.
It's about pausing, re-viewing and releasing.
We create the space for this by stepping into the simplicity and serenity of 'being'...whether that is for a devoted 10minutes, or a whole evening.
Just drop more deeply into a dream state, in whatever time-scape is possible.
Out of this precious space, naturally emerges a space of sensing and divining areas of life which need attention, a stirring of Soul-cauldron, a blessing, a letting go, a re-visioning.
And the Aries potential for a re-sparking and re-firing.
This dark moon review and release feels even more essential to clear the ground, before the new moon and solar eclipse in Aries.
A much needed looking before a-leaping!
This energy wave we are experiencing is of great potency, it's a powerful urgency to move and shift and create the reality we want, through our own agency, will and empowered direction.
Many folk are feeling zingy, speedy, excited, pressured, head-full or head-strong.
It's a drive to shed skins, to remove blocks, to burn through anything inhibiting your path forwards as magnetised by your soul song.
And individuals weave together to create a collective.
The Chiron conjunction with the Sun and Moon, brings attention to any difficulty around assertion, will force, masculine potency, going -for-it....and offers the opportunity and potential for a healing adjustment.
As we experience Aries fiery passionate drive coursing through us, the urgent need to fulfill personal goals with a willingness to fight for what we believe and value, we are likely to meet a well-habituated response.
We may find either a resistance and exert too-much-control around this Aries drive of Eros (Life energy)...or we may go over the top in out-of-control wildfire.
Musings for Enquiry
Do you hesitate and falter, feel fearful of this fiery power firing you up? Do you over-consider others opinions, needs or feelings and under-consider yourself before making decisions to move ahead in Life? Do you hold back and implode from over-cautiousness, over-thinking or detailing? Do you regret not saying YES to opportunities, or fear an unlived Life?
Do you impetuously fire up and forcefully ride roughshod with the wild pleasure of drive and impulsivity? Don't know when to slow or stop? Do you explode forwards towards goals which in the NOW seem full of great potential, yet may burn bridges and destroy other goals and hopes for connection and co-operation?
Is there a particular life situation, current or past, which you found yourself alighting upon, as you considered these approaches?
Take a few moments to sit with these awaken slumbering dragons which may need and welcome your loving attention and maybe your willingness to slip a snakeskin to liberate and reveal a new way into being and expression.
Blessings on this Aries vitality and eros...may we use it to empower our deepest values into becoming and being ❣

Images of the Saturn return altar which graced the centre of a lovely rich workshop last Saturn-day, brimming with curio...

Images of the Saturn return altar which graced the centre of a lovely rich workshop last Saturn-day, brimming with curiosity, life reflections, 'Aha' moments and gratitude.
Saturn returns occur for each one of us at 29yrs, 58yrs and 86/7yrs.
They are phases of letting go, leaving behind, standing poised. They are a culmination of who we are as an unfolding and purpose-full being, a time of magnetic pull, of touching down and being reminded of our core lodestone, our Soul song.
At Saturn returns, we meet culminations and consequences of how we have and are living, sometimes being a time of major life re-orientation to get on track.

The Saturn life cycle has significant thresholds or junctions every 7years with the unfolding life question of 'Who am I' (now)?
We grow further into who we are meant to be, with new bones of our psyche developing each 7 years and beginning to firm and strengthen.
These times reconnect us with the question of how we are engaging and weaving our INNER soul's orientation and purpose together with and into, our OUTER reality.
So these thresholds carry a quality of review, re-consideration....a sense of 'Stop, Look, Listen' with the potential of re-visioning, adjustment and course correction.

Saturn returns can be times of desiring solitude or hermitage, to seek and find our own wise counsel and orientation by turning inwards...and further discovering our Gold.
Only when we have touched this preciousness, and experienced a deep inner sense of connection and a knowing of being in our real groove, may we begin to build firm roots which support shoots growing into the world around us to bring our gifts into our community.
And then another cycle begins....

Spring Equinox blessings! The Sun entered the Zodiac sign of Aries before dawn here today, heralding the end of Winterin...

Spring Equinox blessings!
The Sun entered the Zodiac sign of Aries before dawn here today, heralding the end of Wintering and the rising of Spring's vital potent energy both around and within us.
Creating balance becomes really important now.
We may want to power ahead in some way, or even feel we 'ought'. Yet this newly birthing rising sap energy also needs deep rest and reflection to generate, grow, orientate and sustain itself.
This reflects the need of a newborn, rich nurturing and deep sleep and dreaming as they enter life on earth and seek to orientate themselves in this new realm. curious.
Witness what is becoming, both within and around you.
What may be unfurling upwards and outwards as a tender and vital shoot of energy emerging from your Winter's dreaming?
Explore and nurture this essence calling and weaving itself through you, into being.
What may be igniting you, driving you...irritating or impassioning you towards creating change?
Attending to the need for any life adjustments, releasing and re-balancing....these are worthy of your focus at Spring Equinox.
Inner and outer Spring cleanings which enable and enhance your natural flow of energy.
And giving a nod to all you have experienced, felt, realised, processed and come through throughout our wintry months.
Wisdom gained and tucked into the pockets of your Soul.
These life wisdoms infuse and inspire the casting off of cloaks which have been shrouding who you were always meant to be.
The Unveiling of You. ❣
'Whatever you do, or dream you can do, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it' - Goethe

This course is in Buckfastleigh...a little further afield from Totnes...but not toooo far for anyone interested in explo...

This course is in Buckfastleigh...a little further afield from Totnes...but not toooo far for anyone interested in exploring an understanding of themselves, family and friends.

Here's launching a 3-session concise Astrology course next week on Tuesday 23rd.January - INTRODUCTION to the 4 ELEMENTS...

Here's launching a 3-session concise Astrology course next week on Tuesday 23rd.January -
This is a new course format of 3 x 2-hour sessions spread over 3 months. It's an inspiring and stimulating journey through the core building blocks of Life as seen through an astrological lens, for anyone who is curious.
We will meet in three monthly workshops during January - March 2024...the course offers really useful tools and insights, as well as being a fascinating exploration into the 12 ways of being human.
There is the option of either a morning (10-12noon) or an evening (7.30-9.30pm) session.
The second and third workshops in this series follow on February 20th and March 12th 2024.
Sessions are held in my beautiful straw bale astrology studio on the edge of Buckfastleigh.
Cost is £18 per workshop.
I also offer a whole year's Journey through the 12 SIGNS of the ZODIAC- Understanding ourselves and others.
This is a follow-up option continuing from the Introductory mini-course, for people whose curiosity is inspired and who are seeking to deepen their understanding of each individual Zodiac sign.
This year long Journey begins with the above three workshops, then naturally continues into 12 more monthly sessions focussing on the Zodiac sign of each month.
We begin with the sign of Aries on March 26th.
For more info, please see my website -
Please message or email me to book a place.🌠

THE BIRTH CHART as SACRED IMAGO - Friday afternoon musings by a roaring woodstove...I love exploring the birth chart as ...

THE BIRTH CHART as SACRED IMAGO - Friday afternoon musings by a roaring woodstove...

I love exploring the birth chart as an imago...a profoundly sacred image of a moment in the heavens, a cosmic doorway through which a person emerges onto Earth.
It expresses the ever-unfolding shimmering potential held within that moment.
As above, so below.

We are each gifted a cosmic moment as we birth - an imago to carry into being in our very own way.
It's a weaving of Fate and Free Will, Elements, archetypal essences and Mystery. A true magic becoming....stars touching down to Earth and shining.

The exploration of the birth chart as our sacred imago may open doors to aspects of our nature which may not be so readily familiar, obvious or visible to our everyday self-perception.
It may mirror qualities which are hatchling...which might benefit from en-couragement.
It may connect us with untapped potential, giving us myriad coloured threads to add to our exploration of touch and taste and feel on the journey of becoming ourselves.
Interpreting this cosmic imago and how it may weave into earthly being is the art and a craft of Astrology.

This art of divination supports us in finding and remembering the treasure which bubbles away in our inner cauldron of ourselves...informing our way of being and expressing ourselves into the world around us ever more fully.
It is an art of re-membering and connection with our essence.

My own journey of becoming an astrologer has been deeply exciting, enriching and a real treasure in my life.
The very first astrological reading I received was 36 years ago, inspiring me to be curious about this art of divination....and here I am now, still deeply committed to the journey, revelling in the intrigue, fascination and potential, still passionate about being a conduit of all it may bring.

And here's a photo of the drawing board where the image comes into being.
I love the process of drawing the stars down to earth through the medium of pen and ink on parchment.
And then witnessing the pleasure and wondering of someone as they behold their unique starry reflection.... and begin the delving exploration and honouring of themselves....🌠

PS. If you would like to explore my astrological work, consultations and classes, please take a look at my website -

SAGITTARIUS - from darkness to lightThe Sun left the subterranean world of Scorpio and began it's journey through Sagitt...

SAGITTARIUS - from darkness to light
The Sun left the subterranean world of Scorpio and began it's journey through Sagittarius this week on the 22nd.November.
The hope and optimism of this Fire sign fans flickering flames to life, from the buried glowing embers of Scorpio.
'There MUST be a greater purpose to be found within the Scorpio journeyings into the Underworld and all that searching around in the darkness!!' says this sign of meaning making.
The Sagittarian commitment to hope springing eternal brings an inner landscape to birth in a renewed way...Phoenix risen from the ashes burns evermore brightly.
This is the Zodiac season of hunger for life-adventures, lust for life, instinctive drives and passions, the pursuit and discovery of a wider world beyond homestead, a magnetism towards that which is peeping just above the horizon, of new potential and possibility. And that hunch of something just about to unfiold and spark into a new adventure or a new life trajectory. Wow! Exciting!!!
And even if the reality isn't quite the imagined wondrous potential, the Sagittarian faith that everything has a meaning, and there is wisdom to be gained even within the most difficult of circumstances, means a quick dusting off can swiftly re-combobulate and re-orientate towards a new horizon, with a growing kit-bag of wisdom.
It's the time of inner philosophical wonderings as to the connections and web of life, a time of journeyings and exploration into the bigger broader picture of life, learning, sense-making, making wisdom from experience, as long as moments of slower breathing and reflection can be created in the pauses between adventures. And then sharing that wisdom and inspiring others to look upwards and outwards.
This is the season of dreaming into landscapes of stories and myths...of gazing into the embers of a fire and wondering...and seeing what you are gifted to see.
Time to light that lantern in the darkness which may carry the eternal flame of Hope, which we surely need amidst these turbulent times.
The Chinese word for CRISIS is a beautiful symbol of the bridge between Scorpio and Sagittarius:
Wei Ji - Wei= Crisis, and Ji= Opportunity.
May we hold and tend this potential as a precious flame🙏 ❣

SAMHAIN - into the Depth of the Wild Woods Hallowe'en brings us towards Samhain season, an ancient nature based/pagan fi...

SAMHAIN - into the Depth of the Wild Woods
Hallowe'en brings us towards Samhain season, an ancient nature based/pagan fire festival on the Wheel of the year.
It's the cross quarter festival halfway inbetween Autumn equinox and Winter Solstice.
In some traditions it marked the ending of the Old year....time to look over our shoulders with a retrospective glance, to pause and dwell with the old year and all it has brought.

As we now collectively mark and honour this season with the Christian festival of Hallowe'en - All Hallow's Eve on 31st.October - it does energetically begin to bring an ambience of Samhain into the collective flow, whatever our faith or belief system.
It even drops into our consciousness via shop window displays and abundant supermarket merchandise and costumery.

Today the Scorpio Sun is moving into a conjunction with Mars and Mercury, highlighting the deep underworld hidden drives, feelings and powers of Scorpio, the survival instincts and fears, self-protection and defenses which we each erect to cope amidst the winds of Fate. We may wish for the deepest level of self-knowing through the empowerment of truth-seeking and enquiry, or we may deal in manipulation, deceit, underhand power seeking and domination. This is a force to be reckoned with....power and responsibility.
We need to be care-full (full of care) amidst this ambience.

These Zodiac and planetary archetypes weave powerfully amidst the celestial winds, and become woven into our Earthly everyday by human engagement and we have our role in the dance , and cannot 'blame the planets'!

After today's Hallowe'en, and the Scorpionic conjunction which lasts till next week, we then meet Samhain on 7th.November.
An Old then New Moon in Scorpio follows this on 12/13th.November which focuses us even more deeply into this season, with renewed potential from our depth-diving.

So we can feel this Samhain phase as an autumnal flow and a phase...time to slow down, rest, simply 'be', look within, feel into your depths and your bones, seek ever-deepening truth through peeling back the layers, being honest to yourself, foibles and all....and opening to revelations.
It's the season to nourish your soul, en-vision and dream, enter into trance-formation...echoing nature's creatures now entering into their torpor or hibernation phase.
* In the last altar picture, can you see the ghost of the snake's eyes in the shed snakeskin?
This skin was from Xolotl (Aztec god of fire and lightning and guide into the Underworld, for the Dead), one of the three snakes I adopted some years ago...he was the one I felt most kinship with.

Blessings on Samhain ❣🍁🍂🎃

FOOD for THOUGHT on today's Full Moon (Scorpio Sun/Ta**us Moon)....with gristle and bones in the cauldron, too.This even...

FOOD for THOUGHT on today's Full Moon (Scorpio Sun/Ta**us Moon)....with gristle and bones in the cauldron, too.
This evening's Full Moon in Ta**us (opposite Sun in Scorpio) is also a partial Lunar eclipse...and the completion of the Ta**us-Scorpio eclipse cycle theme of these last 2 years, since November 2021.
So here are some fulsome chewy and bony musings upon the essence of Scorpio and Ta**us...for you to ponder, gristle, spice and all.
When the Sun resides in Scorpio, we find ourselves on the winding pathway into the depths of Autumn - the Samhain phase when leaves are whirled off branches by storms and wild winds, with the stodge of mud and the crunch of acorns and beech mast underfoot.
Creatures begin their hibernation and fetid fungal aromas creep from misty forest floors. It's the time of Autumn's descent and trance-formation.
Ta**us is everything opposite, being the sign directly across the Zodiac wheel from Scorpio. This Ta**us Full Moon is known traditionally as the Hunter's Moon, allowing hunters the full light of the Moon to hunt their prey, which provided Winter survival stores to last the hard months when there is little growth.
Ta**us essence is the fullness of Spring, the season of Beltane when hedgerows are full, lush, verdant and abundant with beauty and edible plants. Aromas of bluebells and wild garlic abound. It's the time of Spring's dreaming and becoming.
These two Zodiac signs both reflect essential and polarising principles amidst the cycle of growth/dying/evolution.
The upsurging life-growth urge of Ta**us to become, to be, to physically manifest in form, to grow roots and stabilise into an enduring entity.
And the equal and opposite principle of being drawn and magnetised towards Scorpio's mysterious depths in the phase of death's ending and completion.
In this Scorpio part of the cycle, something known, familiar, solid, physical and tangible is released or is lost...a body-skin, a habit now shifts it's form, becoming outworn, a snake skin shedding....something necessarily releasing, emptying and shape-shifting.
We see the outer expression of this cycle in the familiar leafy tree line and full hedgerow becoming a spiky bony silhouette as an autumnal essence of it's former self.
This season, phase and Zodiac sign challenge us...taking us down and'beyond', and we often respond with fear and resistance, and ironically, yet understandably 'holding on'.
We are not well-versed in how to dance with this de-generative phase of the cycle. Maybe we naturally hold-on to that which is known, and 'life-full', as our greatest physical instinct is self-preservation.
Yet our deepest instinct is surely a kinship with the whole of the natural cycle.
Methinks we benefit from exploring phases of release and dying with a mystery and a becoming, something great and deep and beyond our usual knowing. Deserving our honour, alongside our fear.
In this territory of life, we discover our own depths and mechanisms and styles of coping and being with the Unknown. This in itself is often a process of revelation.
Death is part of Life. A fullness before release, a gathering up before going....with an oft unknown magic weaving and whispering throughout our grieving process surrounding that which is lost, in either essence or itself, something or someone cherished, a hope or a dream of potential, now gone. The Void is both empty and full.
This Scorpio phase is of entering the Void, Bardo, Formlessness, - a seed-releasing into the Void, where Fate sits dreaming...un-spinning and un-weaving for a while, before a spark emerges from the Void of it's own volition, out of the cosmic cauldron of all which went before and begin the cycle again.
It's Trance-formation.
So this Full Moon finds us straddling two principles...Ta**us and Scorpio
It's day to stir the cauldron with listen to your visceral knowings ...and breathe deeply into Life.
*A Word Broth*
Ta**us and Scorpio polarities to stir and consider, chew and meditate upon, to dive deeply into this Full moon and all which the cycle of these last two years has brought....
Eros - Thanatos
In breath - Out breath
Swelling - Emptying
Nourishing - Fasting
Gathering - Undoing
Construction - De-construction
Holding on - Letting go
Gain - Loss
Fullness - Emptiness
Slow pace - Intense drive
Embodiment - Ensoulment
Life - Death
What do these images provoke and bring up within you?
Which essence do you find or dis-cover you are instinctively drawn towards?
In which areas of life may one of these priniciples dominate?
May there be benefit from dreaming into the opposite essence, to open up a less bramble-tangled pathway between these principles, to play creatively with a richer balance?
Enjoy! (with a hint of spice)
Blessings upon this Full moon and all it may bring, in richness and potential. ❣️☯️

Today we have a New Moon and solar eclipse in Libra at 18.54 UK time.A solar eclipse is when the Moon passes across the ...

Today we have a New Moon and solar eclipse in Libra at 18.54 UK time.
A solar eclipse is when the Moon passes across the face of the Sun, creating an increased lunar orientation (instincts, feelings, the realm of 'unconscious' or felt knowings/sense), as opposed to solar (the realm of will, conscious direction towards stepping into one's empowerment as an individual).
Engaging with this particular sky-dance benefits from an exploration into the sign of Libra, the Zodiac sign focus from September 23rd. to October 23rd 2023)
Libra is a cardinal air sign, its symbol of the perfectly balanced weighing scales being the only mechanical object in the Zodiac circle.
Libra is a thinking nature, seeking to bring balance, fairness, equality, good relationship and good conduct into action.... via diplomacy, mediation, negotiation, objectivity and consideration of all sides. The very best of human relating, with a spirit of decency and actively taking a breath to stand back and consider all the issues and needs at hand. Libra also aspires to create and enjoy art, design and music as a human cultivation of beauty, poise and symmetry. Exquisite. with every sign, it is important to get to know the shadow of this nature. The shadow of any sign initially tends to manifest as untamed, uncontrolled...a 'troublemaker' or trickster nature, coming at us apparently from 'outside'.
We do well with exploring and attempting to form a relationship with this 'other', so it does not lurk in the dark in our selves and life, so it may flourish and we may engage with and express a more whole quality of its being.
There is a danger of the sign held in shadow becoming a stubbornly held repository for our deep fears and projected blame; repression adding a hidden power and charge which ultimately explodes into our lives due to longevity of repression and denial. It's the natural cycle of things...which we each know both personally and are seeing playing out so tragically on the world stage.
So...the shadow of Libra is Aries, first sign of the Zodiac and cardinal fire. Aries is a sign of spontaneous drive for action, will-force to defend and assert a cause dear to the Aries heart and soul, courage to enact a vision, with a willingness to fight for fiercely felt passions and goals.
Aries is the gutsy frontline...Libra is the strategist. Brawn and brain. Battlefield and negotiation table.
Interestingly, Libra is also a sign of 'rightful vengeance', or re-balancing a wrong.
Athene, the goddess of justice, was invoked on Greek battlefields, to unleash wrath as revenge.
Today's New Moon and solar eclipse open a gateway into the next 6 months with a strong signature of Libra/Aries.
It's a phase where we can actively focus on our relationship with each of these signs...being searingly honest what we 'think'/aspire towards, and also what our guts may be calling for, our love, our hate, our passion, our sorrow, our desire for hiding. All feelings need a place, a nod, to be held and processed. To be received and allowed, as Rumi expresses so eloquently in his poem 'The Guest House'.
The theme of shadow and power, empowerment and disempowerment, survival, loss, death, release, void and transformation is reflected in the current cosmic signature.
Mars entered Scorpio last week as Pluto turned direct in the accelerated death throes at the end of Capricorn, heralding an intensification of the theme of survival of Authorities, 'States', ruling bodies and 'those in charge', as we know and have known them.
And the Moon moving into Scorpio tomorrow. Under pressure is state of being or phase which may naturally lead to discomfort, enquiry and dreaming within, and a knowing that something needs to 'give' or released, let go or die to make space for new growth.
*See this cycle in action and being in nature al around us...
The Sun enters Scorpio on 23rd.October, with Samhain phase opening in early November . These are all deep cobwebs of connection with the Underworld, the realm of the Moirae, the Fates and the Furies, Hades and Pluto. The fertile ground from which all earthly life emerges and returns...womb to tomb.
How do we each allow in a new realisation, perspective or perception?
What do we each do when we feel threatened?
How kind and compassionate can we be to ourselves, when things are rough, overwhelming and challenging?
How can we uphold our values and beliefs, with courage and respect, and empowered elegance?
What do we each do when we f* up?
Is there a move we would like to make in any of these areas? And if so, what may we need to cultivate and create the conditions which might support this journey?
May these words be a spark, a reminder or a provocation to stir into your cauldron...and may we each look within, with raw honesty as our contribution in weaving Earth and Cosmos amidst these intense times. 🙏




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