Sarah and Pat, Peggy and Luke, Tracey and Emily, George and Sarah, Kevin and Max.
When you own a lot of property you have a lot of neighbours…
And much like I do my best to keep my kids happy during half term, I prioritise good relationships with my neighbours.
(Note, I stopped filming to pull my daughter out of the mud.)
Because it’s important, especially when you own holiday lets.
And generally: I just don’t want to be a sh*t person and impact other peoples lives adversely.
Guests can be irritating in all sorts of strange ways:
Most obviously they can be noisy, despite best endeavours to ask them not to be.
But they can also be confused about check in, fumbling at the door for ages.
And they sometimes have lots of cars and lots of baggage.
Sometimes they smoke in the garden, or god forbid, in the doorway, and flick their fag butts into the street.
Or they can arrive later than asked, causing a commotion on a quiet street.
There are ways to mitigate this:
Mostly, I give my guests really clear instructions.
But I also let my neighbours know that if there is ever an issue, that they should contact me directly straight away.
Fortunately there is very very rarely an issue.
And my neighbours are all really lovely.
(Well, bar one, but we won’t go there… it’s a long story and predates the holiday let…)
Do you have lots of neighbours?
How do you keep your neighbours happy?
#goodneighbours #winterwalks #mumpreneur #solopreneur #entrepreneur #femalebizowner #femalebusinessowner #halfterm #mumlife #propertyuk #ukproperty #lowsun #propertyinvestor #propertyinvestment #femaleentrepreneur #womeninproperty #propertymindset #holidayletowner #holidayletstrategy #airbnbuk #ukairbnb #passiveincome #financialfreedom #muddywalk
The past few days have been a whirlwind - up to Manchester for property training with Aran Curry and then down to a small village near Malvern, where I holed up at a delightful animal sanctuary for a couple of nights to work on some brand strategy playbooks for property investors, and to save an additional journey to pick my kids up on Sunday.
Bonuses of staying at Meerkat Manor included friendly kitties and a wonderful breakfast hamper.
But I’m thankful to be back at home.
Even it’s so bloomin’ cold I may well light the fire, which is sadly not as fancy as the one in my weekend B&B
(which is very similar to the Charnwood stoves I use in my holiday let properties.)
This week I’m doing some marketing training via zoom, dealing with the builders (always) and speaking with potential investors who would like a great return on income.
Is that you, or do you know someone like that? Drop me a DM to find out more.
#passiveincome #propertyuk #ukproperty #propertyinvesting #propertyinvestment #propertyinvestor #propertydevelopment #womeninproperty #femaleentrepreneur #womeninbusiness #entrepreneuruk #savingsuk #entrepreneuruk #propertymentor #homeextension #highinterestloan #highnetworth
Wow! January has been a super busy month.
Looking back makes me realise just how much I get done… even when I feel like I’m furiously paddling and getting nowhere.
And I also do a serious amount of travelling around.
From Hastings and Margate, to Malvern and Birmingham….
Here are just some of the things I’ve been up to:
I couldn’t find a diary I liked so I created my own.
Attended an excellent goal setting session with Expert Empires.
Sourced some fun stuff for my new holiday lets.
Whipped around my Margate properties, so I can make sure the cleaners are doing their job properly.
My Hastings property is now fully painted, so the scaffolding can come down.
…and my property in mid Sussex is nearly finished - hurrah!
(We made use of a fly tipped fridge freezer)
Travelled back to Birmingham for an excellent Entrepreneur’s Circle event.
Managed to prevent a disaster when a pipe froze and burst in the attic at the house over the road.
Had lots of frosty walks.
Admired Great Malvern Priory when picking up the kids.
Had lots of quality time with the children…. Because after, that’s what counts the most.
Not shown:
Sitting in the hot seat at my Expert Empires mastermind.
The cooking, managing, organising and general dogs body every day life of a single mum.
Loads of conversations with potential investors who would love a great return on their savings.
February is set to be even busier!
#propertyuk #ukproperty #propertyinvestor #propertyinvestment #homeextension #houseextension #ukrefurb #interiordesigner #refurbishment #femaleentrepreneur #smallbizowner #womeninproperty #ukentrepreneur #highinterest #savingsaccount #pensionpot #femalebusinessowner #passiveincome #financialfreedom #savingsuk #realestate #realestateentrepreneur #retirementincome #January #mumlife #singlemum #entepreneurscircle #expertempires
This one has been awhile in the making, but we are so nearly there!
All to be revealed very soon….
#propertyuk #ukproperty #propertyinvestor #propertyinvestment #homeextension #houseextension #ukrefurb #interiordesigner #refurbishment #femaleentrepreneur #smallbizowner #womeninproperty #ukentrepreneur #highinterest #savingsaccount #pensionpot #femalebusinessowner #passiveincome #financialfreedom #savingsuk #realestate #realestateentrepreneur #retirementincome
Let’s talk Victorian properties…
There are always lots of interesting surprises… like this mouldy ceiling which is due to some water incursion somewhere on the front facade.
We’ve just redone some of the render around the windows and hopefully this will sort it out.
And if not we’ll just have to figure out what the culprit is.
I must love a challenge, because old properties are rife with issues.
But at long last it’s all starting to take shape…
Just a few more months and we should we done :)
It really is a beauty.
And did I mention the views?
#hastings #refurb #homerenovation #victorianproperty #victorianhouse #mould #oldhouses #renovation #renovationuk #sussexproperty #seasideproperty #investmentproperty #homeextension #houseextension #majorrenovation #propertyuk #propertyinvestment #propertyinvestor #propertyinvesting #womeninproperty #femaleentrepreneur #entrepreneuruk
Do you want the best deals & opportunities to come to YOU direct in 2025?
I’ve used social media to create a powerful personal brand that appeals to investors, and before I start charging full price I’m looking for 5 ambitious property professionals to work with me 1:1 who want to do the same
Reply with the word INFO so we can chat to see if it’s a fit
#propertyinvestors #propertyinvesting #personalbranding #brandingstrategy #BTLlandlords #HMOlandlords #holidaylets #propertyuk #ukproperty #brandinguk #coaching #propertymentor
I saw this meme on Facebook today and thought I’d share it.
Because it’s harsh but ain’t it the truth?!?
If you really want something you WILL find a way to make it happen.
How much do you want that thing?
WHY do you want it?
I’m driven by my absolute end goal of giving my children the best life possible.
It’s a huge motivator.
What is yours?
Make sure you find your why, and use that as your reason to get sh*t done.
Use it as motivation to put yourself out there if you want to raise money or find investors.
Make that phone call, send that message, do the thing.
Even when it’s hard, or you can’t be arsed.
Follow me for more property investing and branding tips
#hustlehard #motivation #femaleentrepreneur #singlemum #womeninproperty #hardhatstoheels #renovation #propertydeveloper #houseextension #kitchenextension #homeextension #ukproperty #propertyuk #propertyinvestor #propertyinvesting #propertyinvestment #savingsvsinvesting #smartinvesting #financialgrowth #highreturns #investingtips #passiveincome #wealthmanagement #financialfreedom #propertybranding #brandstrategist
SHHHH, don’t tell anyone….
I knocked a piece of wall down (without PPE).
You know what? I survived!
#propertyuk #ukproperty #propertyinvestor #propertyinvestment #femaleentrepreneur #womeninproperty #femalebusinessowner #renovationsite #homerenovation #kitchenextension #houseextension #builderuk #demolition #victorianhouse #buildingsite #propertydevelopment #propertydeveloper #propertyinvesting
Are you serious about property investing in 2025?
Before I start charging full price, I’m looking for 5 investors who are ready to use social media to getdeals.
Reply with the word INFO so we can chat to see if it’s a fit.
#propertyuk #propertyinvestment #propertybranding #personalbranding #propertyentrepreneur #BTLlandlord #HMOlandlord #holidayletstrategy #socialmediamarketing
2025 has got off to a flying site on my building sites.
Yes, I’ve sat down and done the hard mental work of goal setting (more on that later)
But I’ve also been out at my renovations since the 27th Dec.
And I’m pleased that I was there to see (and help with) the removal of the final wall in the Hastings kitchen extension.
I also discovered that we are going to need an extra steel to support the bathroom.
It turns out there was a reason the floors were so wonky - dry rot.
But I quite like the idea of a double height ceiling, don’t you?!
This house really is getting a full makeover.
Looksmaxxing baby!
I’ve got a huge backlog of progress to share (including part two of this video) and will try to get loads up in the coming weeks.
Don’t forget to like and follow for more of the same.
#renovationuk #kitchenextension #homeextension #houseextension #propertyuk #ukproperty #propertyinvestor #propertyinvestment #propertyinvesting #ukentrepreneur #financialsecurity #propertydeveloper #homerenovation #victorianproperty
The world may be grinding to a halt as Christmas approaches, but the build continues in Hastings.
My builders will spend this week ensuring that the final steels are in for the kitchen extension, and the roof will be insulated and made watertight… all ready to plasterboard in the new year.
Did you know that cash sat in the bank is wasting away due to the cost of inflation?
If you’d like to make a far better return on your money drop me a message and let’s chat.
I’ve got some exciting projects on the horizon for 2025.
Find out how you can be a part of the journey and reap the rewards as a passive investor.
DM me now, with the word YES x
#propertyuk #ukproperty #propertyinvestment #propertyinvestor #kitchenextension #homeextension #buildersuk #constructionuk #houseextension #victorianproperty #victorianseaside #passiveincome #PropertyEntrepreneur #PropertyJourney #BuildingSuccess #RealEstateInvesting #BusinessOwners #EntrepreneurGoals #InvestmentSuccess #RealEstateUK #PropertyManagement #InvestSmart #PropertyDevelopment #WealthBuilding #EntrepreneurLife