Very sad news today, I've been told by a friend who was a vet for 30 years that my little scrawny cat (Squeaky) has all the signs of kidney failure, he's still eating but he's covered in sores and blood spots, he still lives a cuddle but he's spending most every day curled up on the kitchen table and screeching! He is a rescue cat from the RSPCA, in Hersden. Mum chose him and his brother (bubbles). I don't want to put him down as I've had to put others down in the past I'd rather let him fall asleep in my arms!
I love him and he's a good mouser but it's time to let him go over the rainbow bridge, not clear how long he's got but he's had the same symptoms for over a month. I'm sanguine about his future I gave him a forever home, and he's had a beautiful life, but all good things come to an end! Sleep well if you too have a Pet as they are in our lives for such a short time but we are in their lives for all of theirs!
Book your Hidden City Tour of Canterbury click on see you soon! #
Book direct via or call 0800 612 2819
You can’t get a better recommendation than from two locals who joined my tour a few years before the Pandemic and it’s still just as good today. See what they say book today via tours start on 1st April 2023. See you soon on a #HiddenCityTour
More happy customers who booked direct via the website, be like them and discover Canterbury with a personal Guide.
Post tour review of my Hidden City Tour!
Just had a lovely group on my tour a real joy and their happy smiling faces says it all. #TheOnlyThingMissingIsYou #FallInLoveWithCanterbury
Sample of new Virtual Walking Tour
Here is a low res sample of the video walking tour recorded on 2nd Januar this year in the City. I want to sell the finished article, to my clients who would like to come but due to Covid Restrictions will be unable to.
The old saddlers on Palace Street built 1868
This structure was built in 1868 by John Harrison, he was related to a notable person from West Yorkshire who created the Marine Chronograph solving the Problem of the Latitude Act of 1714.
Two customers who really lived discovering the city with me.
Book a day tour with me today and see what these to guests saw! We’re Covid19 compliant masks worn and 6 feet distance encouraged!
The city still awaits nothing has changed. I look forward to seeing you.
All this is waiting for you! Book now!
The majestic front of Canterbury Cathedral’s Christchurch Gate! Constructed between 1499 and 1507, there’s so much detail in its facade, discover the rest of its history by joining the tour. It’s now also available by torchlight too, check out the website for availability! Or book via AirB&B Excursions -