Cascade Dance Theatre is a repertory touring company working with the Creu Cymru dance touring network to provide ensemble dance that is artist-led with a Wales and international perspective, having high production values and with an equal emphasis on quality of the art and a passion to speak to a general public audience. The Company works with many other arts partners in Wales such as Ty Cerdd fo
r commissioning a composer and Theatr Taliesin for technical and marketing support. Artistically, the Company creates and tours mixed programmes that offer a wide perspective on contemporary dance with commissions that cross from pure dance to dance/theatre, presenting work that pushes boundaries in the artform and also inspires and entertains audiences. The Company believes high production values are achieved when there is a fertile balance between the contributing artists in the productions. The Company commissions strong and experienced choreographers with something to say, using dancers of international quality as they are the raw material of the show. The quality of music, design and lighting will match the high aspirations of the dance team, working in harmony to create total works of theatre in the artform of dance. Along with this is a philosophy of outreach work and audience development through engaging with local communities especially within the education and youth dance sector, all in partnership with the local theatre that is presenting the Company. Based in Cardiff, the Company has strong international links in India with ongoing choreography and teaching relationships in Delhi, Mumbai, Goa and Bangalore. The vision is to develop more international links so that artists’ exchange programmes take place helping Wales to be a culture of innovation and inspiration with a world-perspective. In Wales, the scale of work is focused on the Creu Cymru dance touring network that reaches across the whole of the country in venues as disparate as Theatr Taliesin in Swansea, Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Blackwood Miners Institute and Neuadd Dwyfor in Pwllheli. To reach a general public audience there will be exciting marketing and PR strategies behind the work so it is seen as an attractive and flattering component of each theatre’s programming and audience development strategy.