Busy day yesterday, sheep all sheared #farming #farmstay #sheep #shearing #ukfarming #visitthepeakdistrict
Visit England we are walkers and cyclists welcome #visitpeakdistrict #visitengland #castleton #castletonvillage #castletonderbyshire #holidaycottage #farmstyle
Busy day yesterday grass all baled #farming #ukfarming #farmstay #castleton #visitpeakdistrict #visitengland🇬🇧 #hopevalley #holidaycottage
Brilliant drawing done by Richard Childs in our guest book. Much appreciated thank you Richard
Another fabulous drawing by Richard Childs
One of our last ewes to lamb. Still 9 ewes to go! #lambingseason #lambing #ukfarmers #farmstay #castletonderbyshire #castletonpeakdistrict #castleton #accommodationcastleton #holidaycottage
#peakdistrict #peakdistrictproud #peakdistrictphotographer #peakdistrictwalkers #castletonpeakdistrict #castletonvillage #castletonderbyshire #castleton #lambingseason #lambing #holidaycottage #holidaycottagespeakdistrict #visitpeakdistrict
Lambing in full swing #lambingseason #lambing #peakdistrict #peakdistrictproud #peakdistrictphotographer #peakdistrictwalkers #supportfarms #farmstays #holidaycottage #selfcateringcottage #selfcateringholidays #castletonpeakdistrict #castletonvillage #sheperdscottage
First lambs of day 2. #lambing #lambinglive #peakdistrictnationalpark #farmstay #feedinglambs #peakdistrictproud #peakdistrictwalkers #peakdistrictproud #peakdistrict #castletonpeakdistrict #castletonderbyshire #castleton #holidaycottage
A windy morning for checking the sheep. No lambs yet !!! #lambingseason #sheep #visitpeakdistrict #farming #farmstay #castletonpeakdistrict #holidaycottage #
Getting ready for Easter guests. Just started to decorate the cottage in readiness. #visitthepeakdistrict #holidaycottage #holidaycottagesuk #castletonpeakdistrict #castletonderbyshire #castletonvillage #walkinguk #peakdistrictcottages #peakdistrict #farmstay #easterweekend #easter