Baby’s first Christmas is an incredibly special time for parents. It is also an exceptionally sensory time of year for babies. The lights, the decorations, new toys, sounds, textures, and the excitement associated with them, make Christmas a magical time for you and your baby!
Choosing toys for babies at Christmas time is great fun, especially with so many different products on offer. When selecting toys think about whether they are appropriate for your baby's age and stage, whether they will capture your baby's interest or stimulate their senses and whether they will help to develop skills like hand-eye coordination and movement.
It’s easy to spend a fortune buying toys. However, the best Christmas presents are nearly always the ones that are homemade. A treasure basket filled with interesting objects such as paper cups and plates, a sock with a ball in the toe, a soft brush, reflective paper, or a shiny box can provide endless hours of play for your baby.
Other simple homemade creations or everyday objects that can help to brighten up your baby's first Christmas include: books with different textures glued to each page, plastic containers made into sound shakers, measuring cups and large plastic spoons & plastic cubes filled with family photographs.
What will you be buying or making for your baby's first Christmas?