What a beautiful day for visiting Cawdor! #cawdorcastle #cawdorwalledgarden #standrewstourguide #stgaguides #visithighlands #professionaldriverguide
It’s a steep climb to the new viewing tower above Trossachs Pier at the east end of Loch Katrine, but when you get there ……. #standrewstourguide #stgaguides #professionaldriverguide #lochkatrine #lochkatrinecruises #visitthetrossachs
Just a bit of rain on Harris today!! #standrewstourguide #stgaguides #professionaldriverguide #lewisandharris #outerhebrides #visitlewisandharris
Amazing light show from our front bedroom a few moments ago! #northernlights #lovestandrews #standrewstourguide #eastsands #stgaguides
Extremely high tide this afternoon made the West Sands disappear! I have rarely seen the usual stretch of sand completely covered by the sea with the waves reaching the dunes - normally it is still possible to walk on the beach even at high tide. (No sound) #westsandsstandrews #lovestandrews #welcometofife #homeofgolf #standrewstourguide #stgaguides #springtides
A beautiful morning for a walk with the dog! (Sound on) #homeofgolf #castlecourse #visitstandrews #welcometofife #standrewsbay #stgaguides #standrewstourguide #professionaltourguide
A recent visit to Tealing Dovecote in Angus…….. #scottishdoocots #visitangus #tealingdoocot #standrewstourguide #stgaguides #professionaldriverguide
Braemar showing it’s moody side this morning but beautiful nonetheless with patches of blue sky and the promise of better weather to come! #braemar #visitbraemar #fifearms #visitaberdeenshire #lovescottishhighlands #cairngormnationalpark #stgaguides #standrewstourguide #professionaldriverguide