You are not alone. You could replace them with the latest "big name" franchise. I'm sure they do nice work, but they come with outrageous monthly fees (someone has to pay for their pretty letterhead, logo and fancy advertising). Let me suggest a far better option. Quality Maintenance Services (Coventry) Ltd, we are also known as QMS. Quality Maintenance Services (Coventry) Ltd the cleaning company
has been delivering great results for local businesses like Subway Sandwiches. Quality Maintenance Services (Coventry) Ltd is located right in your town and we would love to share with you how we can make a difference in the overall appearance of your facility. Give us a call at 02476011435 to set up a meeting to discuss how Quality Maintenance Services (Coventry) Ltd can solve your problem once and for all. You can pick up the phone to learn a little more, ask a question or you can send a e-mail to [email protected] with all your enquiries. You can also visit our website to see the array of services we offer to our customers. Isn't it time you discovered what many other businesses in town have already learned? That affordable, dependable and highly responsive cleaning services are available just a stone’s throw away. We are currently offering a full first deep clean of site to all new customers. This won't last long, so don't delay. Call QMS on 02476 6011 435 to learn more. Yours Sincerely,
Quality Maintenance Services (Coventry) Ltd