Whoop whoop we have new swings, a new slide & new climbing wall. Come & join us soon with your kiddies to test out the new equipment @ #coastalkippford #caravanholiday #scottishlodge #scottishbreaks #lodgeholidays #familyholidays
What a glorious morning captured by our grounds man Luke this morning at #coastalkippford #kippfordholidaypark
It’s winter wonderland here at #coastalkippford
Perfect for a brisk winter walk to take in the sparkling icicles brrrrr wrap up warm! #dumfriesandgalloway #dogfriendlyholidays #holidayhomesforsale #kippfordholidaypark #caravansforsale #scottishcaravanpark
Our beautiful deer friends at #coastalkippford wandering down from the forest to explore our pockets of mature landscaping.
Our new Victory Parkview, modern 2 bed lodge, is located towards the top of #coastalkippford near #kippford and has the most incredible views. Feel the peace and quiet.
It's for sale for £150k reduced from £181,250, such a great discount for a new lodge. We are open 7 days a week for viewings. Call the office to arrange on 01556620636.
#holidayhomesforsale #holidayhomesforsalescotland #secondhomesscotland #caravansforsalescotland #lodgesforsalescotland #dumfriesandgalloway #secondhomekippford #dogfriendlyholidays #secondhomedumfriese
Our last grass cut of the year. It takes at least a week to cut the park. It’s a hard yet therapeutic job, thanks guys for keeping the park so well maintained all year round!
I followed these beautiful creatures around the winding paths & gardens of #coastalkippford #kippfordholidaypark up near the AA section to the forest walk. They were curious & scared & calm. We’re so blessed to share our back garden with these amazing animals.
G17 Willerby Malton 2 bed holiday home sited this week at #coastalkippford This beautiful home is for sale offering a cosy position, lovely landscaping and close the the parks back gate for an easy walk to tyhe golf course or #kippford
#holidayhomeforsale #scottishholiday #petfriendlyholidays #dumfriesandgalloway #dumfriesandgallowaylife #caravansforsale #caravansforsalescotland
Our beautiful lily’s & Redclaw are flowering on park this week. Come & enjoy! Escallonia rubra, called redclaws and red escallonia, is a species in the family Escalloniaceae which is native to southern Chile and neighboring areas of Argentina.
Welcome to our new families joining #coastalkippford #holidaypark we wish them a relaxing and inspiring new view of life from their new #holidayhomes
We have beautiful #holidayhomes for sale near #beautifulscottishbeaches our friendly team will make your #secondhome a #dreamcometrue . We’re #dogfriendly & with so many #childrensactivities as well as a variety of #WalkingTrails world class #bikingadventures with #7stains bike track on our door step #coastslkippford can become your dream #summerholidayscotland #dumfriesandgalloway