In August 2024, Alison went for a routine mammogram and became one of the 20% of women recalled for further investigations.
In September 2024, she received a diagnosis of Invasive Lobular Breast Cancer (ILC). While it is the second most common type of breast cancer, it accounts for only 15% of new diagnoses. ILC has unique biological characteristics and a growth pattern that makes it difficult to detect, as it rarely forms lumps.
In October 2024, Alison underwent surgery to remove the cancerous cells from her breast and lymph nodes.
Throughout 2024, she had walked, jogged, run, and swum to maintain her mental health and fitness. Initially, after her diagnosis, Alison’s world crumbled, and she lost her motivation. However, she quickly realized the focus exercise brings her was invaluable, so she returned to training and just two weeks before her surgery, she participated in a 50km ultra challenge!
Every day, 22 people in the UK are diagnosed with ILC. Alison’s goal for 2025 is to participate in 22 running / walking events, ranging from 5km ParkRuns to hopefully completing the same 50km challenge at the end of September.
She is still undergoing active treatment, making this journey a challenge. Yet, she is determined to achieve three goals beyond my own well-being:
1. Raise awareness of Invasive Lobular Cancer.
2. Highlight the importance of self-examination and breast screening.
3. Generate funds to support research into Invasive Lobular Cancer.
We hope you will join us on this journey and support in whatever way you can!
Any donations will be gratefully received but a donation of £22 would be wonderful! If Alison can raise £22 a day for 2025 she would raise over £8000