Meet Alexandra from @otok_devonflorists!
A relatively new business in Dartmouth, located in the Old Market Square!
Watch to find out her favourite thing about Dartmouth, why she chose Dartmouth, her favourite place to eat and more!
Olive Pot’s - @olivespots
Jenny Koo’s Kitchen - @jennykooskitchen
Leocadia - @leocadiauk
Starburst - @starburst_dartmouth
The Deli @ Dartmouth - @_thedeliatdartmouth_
And if you are looking for last minute flowers for Valentine’s Day, be sure to pop in tomorrow!! ❤️💐
#dartmouth #devon #dartmouthbusiness #supportlocal #localbusiness #florist #devonflorist #exploredartmouth
The days are getting longer! We are past the 5pm sunsets, and won’t see them again until the end of October!
We can’t wait for evening music in Royal Avenue Gardens, alfresco dining on the Embankment, and after work sunsets on the beach 🏖️
#springiscoming #springequinox #dartmouth #daysaregettinglonger #summeriscoming #dartmouthdevon #sunset #sunrise #lovedartmouth #exploredartmouth
Our favourite rainy day ideas in Dartmouth:
1️⃣ Watch a film at The @flavelartscentre
2️⃣ Visit the Newcomen Engine
3️⃣ Cream Tea at a Dartmouth Café
4️⃣ Hop on the Steam Train
5️⃣ Make pottery at @olivespots
6️⃣ Visit @dartmouthmuseum
7️⃣ Explore a @nationaltrustsouthwest property
8️⃣ Dinner at a delicious Dartmouth restaurant
9️⃣ Colour the @devonwithkids Dartmouth Colouring Book
🔟 Enjoy a local pint in one of the excellent Dartmouth pubs
For more ideas to explore Dartmouth, visit our website 🔗
#dartmouth #exploredartmouth #rainydays #rainydaysdartmouth #rainindartmouth #dartmouthactivities #dartmouthitinerary #devon #dartmouthdevon #lovedartmouth
What a magical year 2024 has been! From @dartmusicfest and @dartmouthprideuk, to @port_of_dartmouth_royalregatta, @dartmouthfoodfestival, and #dartmouthindecember, to name a few, we have had a truly action-packed events calendar!
We wanted to cast our eyes back to a few special moments overt the past year to give us a taste of what is to come in 2025! There is so much to look forward to in our annual calendar! If you need a reminder, head to our website to find out what events you cannot miss in 2025!
#2024highlights #2024 #2024wrapped #nye #newyearseve #nye2024 #throwback #dartmouthdevon #exploredartmouth
📹 @sunrider_drones @amelia_wright_photography @dartmouthprideuk
Merry Christmas from Dartmouth! 🎅🏼🎄
Whether you are celebrating in our beautiful town or elsewhere, we hope you have a fabulous day!
#merrychristmas #christmas #christmasday #christmastime #christmasholidays #dartmouth #dartmouthdevon #dartmouthatchristmas #devon #devonchristmas #decemberindartmouth #exploredartmouth
Cover photo 📸 @dartmouthphotographs
One week to go 🎅🏼
Dartmouth in December is in full swing! We might not have had the best weather but we hope you are having as much fun as we are. And we are loving all the decorations and lights throughout town. With so much still to come to mark the final month of the year, make sure to explore Dartmouth during our wonderful December events!
Check out our website to find out what to not miss 🔗
#dartmouthdevon #dartmouth #devon #lovedartmouth #southdevon #dartmouthindecember #christmas2024 #christmasindartmouth #exploredartmouth
What a weekend celebrating the 20th anniversary of the #dartmouthfoodfestival @dartmouthfoodfestival #exploredartmouth #dartmouth #southdevon #dff #dartmouthfoodfestival2024 #lovedartmouth #fullofsurprises #foodfestival
The #dartmoutfoodfestival is in full swing! @dartmouthfoodfestival #exploredartmouth #dartmouth #devon #southdevon #foodfestival #fullofsurprises #lovedartmouth
#dartmouthfoodfestival set up is underway!
Today the Dartmouth Chamber and Explore Dartmouth are showcasing the best of Dartmouth and District businesses at @riviera.connect ! Such a great opportunity to network with the community 💻📈🏬 to find out more about what we do, pop into the Visitor Centre in Dartmouth or head on over to our website (link in bio)
#exploredartmouth #devon #dartmouth #fullofsurprises #networking
Today is #worldtourismday and the #dartmouthvisitorcentre is the perfect spot to visit if you are exploring Dartmouth! With knowledgable volunteers and loads of information about what to do in town, make sure you stop by to get the most out of your trip to Dartmouth.
With lots of exciting events on the horizon, there’s plenty left to do in town now that summer has ended. Keep your eyes peeled!
#dartmouth #exploredartmouth #southdevon #fullofsurprises #tourism #lovedartmouth #devon #dartmouthdevon #seeyousoon