Almost December and the #DarwenHeritageCentre will be closing for Christmas at the end of Saturday 14th December. You only have two and a bit weeks to get in for a unique Christmas present - one of Hubert Bentley's paintings. We still have 2025 Calendars for sale and Christmas cards featuring Hubert's paintings.
Darwen in the Snow
#darwenheritagecentre visiting the top of #Darwentower today in the snow and sunshine. Bit windy on top - sorry for the interference.
Last 2 chances to pick up a late Christmas present from the Darwen Heritage Centre. Open Friday 15th and Saturday 16th December from 10am to 3pm. For those who have bought paintings by Hubert Bentley don't forget to pick them up.
The next temporary display at the Darwen Heritage Centre concerns three Darwen men who signed to play for Arsenal FC. George Holden, Norman Smith and Leslie Pilkington. Did you know any of these three? I certainly had the privilege of meeting Leslie Pilkington as he lived across the street from me when I was growing up. He used to take us to watch United at Old Trafford in the 1968/69 season - great days to follow football.
Quick look along the line of new cupboards and cabinets. Looking forward to seeing them with the glass shelves and doors with the lights on and all full of artefacts.
Something different for you tonight. If you haven't yet seen it then make sure you come along to the Darwen Heritage Centre to see the exhibition of Morton paintings. 23 of his paintings on show plus his sketch book and loose sketches.
New Year and new display in the front room at the Darwen Heritage Centre. Photos of old Darwen from 1880-1920.