Derby Friar Gate Ghost Walk
This walk starts and finishes at The Derby Gaol, On your way round you will hear stories of murders, ex*****ons, crime, punishment and ghostly occurrences.
We start with a brief tour of the Gaol, and continue the walk up to Derby’s 3rd and last County Prison on Vernon Gate visiting the ex*****on room and the very haunted tower. We then walk down Agard Street to hear the story of the murder of Eliza Morrow and the last public ex*****on in Derbyshire before returning to our Gaol for a Condemned Man’s Supper.
Then unlike so many that have been in the Gaol before, you will be permitted to go home!
Walks last approximately 3 hours, starting at 7pm and finishing around 10pm.
Entrance to Derby Goal is from Friar Gate side:
Underneath 50 - 51 Friar Gate, Derby DE1 1DF.
FREE Parking after 6pm
BOOK HERE https://bookeo.com/derbywalks?devent=42551HH7KTJ191DD16E2B2_2024-09-27_ed8tY6wG8we