Right, this is last thing I'm posting on this subject!
I refuse to get into a slagging match with a group of people who just do not get, or refuse to get, mine and other people's interest in hotrodding.
They now feel the need to name me publicly, well I'm to old and to long in the tooth to be bothered about it.
I've had to re-adjust the dynamics of the DVC before we loose the backbone of the event, and it becomes like the Leeds Cruise with too many of the wrong kind of vehicle attending, to which the event was not designed for originally.
Last year I did ask if they were interested in taking over the running of the DVC, as at that time I had more important family matters and personal health issues to deal with. I realise now that would of been a massive mistake, it would of been the demise of the DVC as we know it for sure. Anyway, enough is enough, I'm done now with this subject! Something else is in the pipeline which is of interest, I'll keep you all posted. 👍
Let's get back to what this hobby and this page is all about! 👌