I am 30 years old and have spent most of my working life in a Kennels and Cattery and I am passionate about animals! I understand, for you to consider me a possibility for caring for your pet(s) you will want to know a bit about me, so you can be assured that I am the right person for the job! I live in Beare green in a house with my equally dog-mad boyfriend Dave and our 2 dogs - a 7.5 year old L
abrador x border collie (Finn) who I rescued when he was a one year old, and an 8 year old collie x rottie (Lulu) who Dave rescued when she was 4 years old. In our spare time we take part in a sport called Canicross which involves running cross country with a dog in a harness pulling you along (although up hill often ends up with them healing beautifully so they don't have to pull us up the hills!). I have been around animals from the day I was born! We had dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, fish and a very naughty Shetland pony! I was involved with looking after them all. I was lucky enough to have my own pony on loan when I was 11 years old. We kept him in the garden and he was my responsibility from day one! So my teenage years involved many early mornings and dark evenings outside in all weathers - In sickness and in health! I did my 1st house sitting when I was 15 years old and I still house-sit for the same family to this day! They have 5 dogs, 2 cats, chickens, fish and lots of plants to water! I also started work at the kennels as a weekend job at this time. As part of my work at the kennels, (where I still work part-time!) I do hydrotherapy – I go into the hydrotherapy pool and assist dogs on the water treadmill - this can help dogs in their recovery after operations, help keep arthritic dogs more comfortable and even keep dogs fit enough so they can avoid surgery. Along side working at the kennels full time for the last 7 years, I have been walking dogs in my lunch break and looking after a variety of animals in their homes (and dogs in my own home!) while their owners are on holiday. The more interesting animals include ducks, and tortoise. I have even stayed at the kennels for the odd night over the years where I could be responsible for up to 60 dogs and 20 cats! Thanks to my years of experience, I am used to all shapes and sizes of animals and used and to dealing with their individual needs, quirks and issues along the way! I am also used to looking after animals with health problems and administering medication when necessary – this includes injecting diabetic dogs and cats with insulin. I hope this shows you that animals, especIally dogs are my whole life and I wouldn't have it any other way! Any animal that is in my care is treated as my own. I can be flexible to you and/or your pets needs! You can be assured that I will always put yours pet's needs first! After all, my own dogs are my family - so I know how important they are to you!