Emirates airline review part 2!
Left on the 0200 from Dubai to Sydney Premium economy 👌🏻 again boarding very swift, offered drinks before departing and an amenity pack for the flight, leg room fantastic, seats super comfortable and recliner comfortable as great, you have the bottom of the seat that reclines on the back of your legs too making it super comfy for the 13:30 hour flight!
This time as it’s 2am I decided not to have anything to eat to start with although for work purposes I wanted to try it lol, but no I put my earplugs in to muffle the background noise then headphones on with some music and stayed that way for around 6 or 7 hours, determined to try an keep to some sleep pattern 😴
Then had breakfast and watched a film & Mrs, I find Aisling Bea very funny and this film it actually very good and made me chuckle …,
A few more albums and a more shut eye before dinner, then more music and more resting before landing at Sydney local time 1030pm, cleared customs quickly and met with massive hugs from my family!
A long flight but very comfortable in premium that’s for sure !