The penultimate Festive Fatty before our Christmas Holiday. After Eight Chocolate Cake ✨
Guess who’s back...the makeover is complete!
Happy hump day everyone! We are soothing the mid week blues with these bad boys, Creme Egg Scotch Eggs on today!
STUDENTS! Flash us your Student or Young Scot card and get 10% off!
Happy Fat Birthday Friday! Today the tearoom turns 5 years old. What better way to celebrate than with Fat Cake! 🎈🎂
NonaLou's night out mannequin challenge. #newtonstewart #itsthetakingpartthatcounts #mannequinchallenge #wedontgetoutmuch
Shake your bon bon, it's Friday! This weeks Fatties are Choco-Bon! #nonalous #fatfriday #chocobon #shakeyourbonbon
Another Fat Friday sell out, the girls have the Friday feeling (I think they have forgot they are working tomorrow).
What's better on a dull summers day than a cake showered in flumps! Happy Fat Friday! #flumpfriday
Fat Friday this week is any chocolate and peanut fans favourite, it's Peanut M&M's. #nonalous #dumfries #peanutmms #cake #chocolate #peanut