Taking the wrapping off the tin case pipes in Alexandria.
Laser engraving the drawstops for Christ Church, Greenwich CT.
York Minster
As the site team come to the end of their first week of installation, the voicing team has just completed all of the pipework in Durham.
Here are some of the last pipes to go on the voicing machine, the Solo 8ft Harmonic Flute (8” wind pressure).
This stop retains the Walker (English) stopped wooden bass (1-24), and the Walcker (German) Chimney Flute treble has been replaced with new pipes. The new pipes have notes 25-32 as tubs (non harmonic), and notes 33-58 are harmonic.
This stop and the new 2ft Harmonic Piccolo have been made and voiced to complete the family of Solo Flutes alongside the existing 4ft flute.
York Minster
Pedal 32ft, 16ft, 8ft & 4ft Ophicleide unit (voiced on 25” wind pressure) undergoing voicing in the workshop.
This stop in its original 1931 form was available at 16ft, 8ft and 4ft pitches. Mr. Arthur always lamented that space was not available to extend it down to 32ft.
Later tonal work saw the 4ft extension removed, and the 16ft and 8ft portions were re-tongued and revoiced on a mere 6” pressure. At this time the harmonic length resonators were replaced with true length resonators.
The current rebuild and reconfiguration has found space to complete the family, and alongside re-tonguing and revoicing back on the original 25” pressure, the 4ft extension and harmonic trebles have been reinstated. This stop is note for note equal power to the Tuba Mirabilis, also on 25” pressure.
A nice bit of history sees the former tongues and shallots the Ely Cathedral 32ft Pedal reed (which were kept in a box in the voicing room) being used to complete the York 32ft extension.
As with all stops like this, when fitted up in the workshop for voicing, the soundboards which the pipes stand on are winded via long flexible trunks and there is no concussion bellows. This results in the wind supply being much more lively than it will be once installed into the Minster.
Allowance must also be made for the sound quality as recorded on an iPhone, which is no substitute for hearing it in person.
York Minster has many miles of electric cabling.....
Now that the workshop is empty........
Andy voicing the Tuba Mirabilis