Rahat M ALI:Consultant

Rahat M ALI:Consultant An immigration Consultant and TEFL certified ESL teacher from England. In 2004, he moved to the UK when he had a job offer from the NHS, UK. Band broke up soon.

Born in Bangladesh, Rahat Ali completed 12 years Primary (Secondary School Certificate) and Secondary ( Higher Secondary Certificate) education with good marks in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and English from a small city, Mymensingh and gained his first degrees in Bachelor of Pharmacy with an Honours degree and Master of Pharmacy degree in Clinical Pharmacy from the University of Dhak

a, Bangladesh and therefore registered as a Licensed Pharmacist in Pharmacy Council of Bangladesh. He worked a few years as an Industrial Pharmacist especially in Production, Formulation, Drugs’ Design, Quality Control and Assurance, Regulatory Affairs department before he got the job opportunity to work in Saudi Arabia as a Community Pharmacist in 2000. So, he moved there and had to learn Arabic language before he started practising as a Licensed Pharmacist. After migrating to the UK, he started working in Pharmacy sectors. He had strong desire to study more, but studying in the UK is very expensive. So, he waited until he got his British nationality in 2011, when the British Government helped him funding to complete a Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) from the Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE), University of Manchester, later he started working again for NHS. In the meantime, he applied to work for the British Armed Forces in the Medical Corps, and, thereafter he was selected and trained locally before he was posted in overseas positions in Germany and The Falkland Islands. After the successful completions of the contracted jobs, he came back to the UK. As a part of continuous studies, Rahat Ali completed MBA in Healthcare Management from the Anglia Ruskin University in 2020. While studying in the Anglia Ruskin University, he applied for his PhD program and luckily was accepted as a potential PhD student. At the moment he’s searching a suitable Supervisor to start his Phd program as soon as possible. Rahat Ali had a good number of trainings in Pharmacy and Healthcare sectors. In 2020, when pandemic stroke worldwide his working hours were reduced and he joined as an ESL teacher for an American English learning platform called Hallo, having head office in Utah, USA. He started teaching English as a second language globally. His expertises are English grammar, IELTS coaching, Communication Skills, Academic writing and reading. The platform Hallo has 1.3M members from more than 170 countries and because of everyone’s support, love and cooperation Rahat Ali has 166K followers, which is the second ranking among the all native and non native teachers. Being a Non Native teacher, Rahat Ali believes that hard work, perseverance, consistency, integrity, well plan, professionalism can bring success undoubtedly. On the Hallo app, Rahat Ali started his exclusive Podcasts of interview concepts with Native and Non teachers, which made him a very popular and motivational figure. As an additional Teaching program, he completed a 120 hours TEFL program from the UK. In the UK, he worked in different environments including Pharma industry, Special Formulation, Aseptic compounding unit, NHS Hospitals, Private Hospitals, nationwide Prison Pharmacy, Clinical Trials, Homecare services, Eye Hospitals, Smoking Cessations programs, Drugs Rehabilitation Centre, Drugs Misuse Team, Clinical Pharmacological Team and Medicines Evaluation Team, Medicines Management Team, HIV Clinic, Cancer Clinic, Retail and Community pharmacies. Rahat Ali can speak in 6 different languages including Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, Arabic, German, and English. In his musical career, he started playing guitar from Bangladesh.

1989-1991: Learnt Guitar in Dhaka, Bangladesh for 2 years, then started playing commercially both Rhythm and Bass Guitar since 1991.

1991: Joined in a Bangla Band in Dhaka, named Squeakers and first album released in Bengali, Started commercial shows in local TV, Radio, stages on an average 2/3 weekly. Then playing with solo and bands as Session Guitarist.

1992: Joined in a Local English Band, named Gods Command, where the band’s second album published in both Bengali and English language. This band was ranked one of the best 5 bands in the country and a controversial band because of their names and songs. In the year 2000, he moved to Saudi Arabia for his job and learnt Arabic and Hindi Tunes apart from doing our own community programs.

2004: Moved to UK and started playing in different Bands as a Session Guitarist. So, he played with different people in different languages. He played with Bengali, Hindi, Arabic, British, Spanish, African, American bands etc. Played in many Local TVs and Radio stations,

Rahat Ali developed his playing skill and technique as a versatile way so that I can cope with any music. So, I am an Asian Session/professional commercial Bass/Rhythm Guitarist . So far, apart from performing in England, I performed in quite a few countries including Bangladesh, Singapore, UAE, Pakistan, Middle East, France, Italy, Holland, Germany, Falkland Islands etc. My music influences are versatile as well, but mostly the musics of Sepultura, Iron Maiden, Manowar, DIO, Metallica, Megadeath, Led Zeppelin, Alterbridge, Bon Jovi, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Dire Straits, Scorpions, Guns and Roses, RHCP etc. Rahat Ali performed in presence of 55K audience in an open air concert which made him a known person in musical arena.


As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barkatuhu.

If you are a true believer, Allah SWT will surely test you, and here what Allah SWT narrates in the Holy Qu'ran:

'Do people think once they say, “We believe,” that they will be left without being put to the test?

We certainly tested those ( type of people) before them. And ˹in this way˺ Allah will clearly distinguish between those who are truthful and those who are liars.

Or do the evildoers ˹simply˺ think that they will escape Us? How wrong is their judgment!'

Surah An Kabut, Ayah 2-4

May Allah SWT guide us on the righteous path (Siratul Mustakim) and make us among His blessed people so that we can pass all His tests. AMEEN


As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barkatuhu.

I asked ChatGpt:

What are the scientific illustrations are mentioned in the holy Quran?

ChatGpt: The Quran includes several verses that believers interpret as containing scientific illustrations or insights. Here are some notable examples:

Embryology: Verses such as 23:12-14 describe stages of embryonic development, which some see as aligning with modern scientific understanding.

The Expanding Universe: Quran 51:47 mentions that the heavens are expanding, which parallels contemporary cosmological theories.

Mountains as Pegs: Quran 78:6-7 refers to mountains as "pegs," interpreted by some as a reference to their role in stabilising the Earth's crust.

Water Cycle: Verses like 39:21 describe the process of rain and its role in nourishing the earth, reflecting the modern understanding of the water cycle.

Origin of Life: Quran 21:30 states that all living things are made of water, underscoring the importance of water in biological life.

Creation in Pairs: Quran 51:49 mentions that everything is created in pairs, which can relate to the concept of biological reproduction and complementary structures in nature.

May Allh SWT guide us on the right path (Siratul Mustakim) to expand our knowledge. AMEEN


আস সালামু আলাইকুম ওয়া রাহমাতুল্লাহি ওয়া বারাকাতুহু I

সহি হাদিসে বলা হয়েছে তিনটি জিনিসের দিকে তাকালে সওয়াব:
১. বাবা মার দিকে রহমতের দৃষ্টিপাত, বিশেষ করে মায়ের চেহারার দিকে
২. কোরান শরীফের দিকে, যদিও না পড়া হয়, পড়লে সওয়াব অনেক
৩. কাবা শরীফের গিলাবের দিকে

আপনার বাবা বা মা বা দুজন বা একজন জীবিত থাকলে আপনি অনেক ভাগ্যবান, তাদের সেবা যত্ন করুন I

মায়ের গুরুত্ব অনেক, বলা হয় আল্লাহর পর কাউকে সিজদা করলে সে হবে আপনার মা, হাদিসে তিনবার বলা হয়েছে মা কে সিজদার কথা, ৪থ বলা হয়েছে বাবার কথা I

আল্লাহ আমাদের সবাইকে তোমার নির্ধারিত পথে চলার তৌফিক দাও, আমীন I

Be aware the scamming emails, texts, phone calls, etc. from the world's top 10 scamming countries, which are as follows:...

Be aware the scamming emails, texts, phone calls, etc. from the world's top 10 scamming countries, which are as follows:

1. Nigeria
2. India
3. China
4. Brazil
5. Pakistan
6. Indonesia
7. Venezuela
8. South Africa
9. The Phillipines
10. Romania


Happy awareness post.

Do you know Top 10 Most Scamming Countries in the World. Where people attempt to make a quick profit, people are not leaving any chance to pull a scam

We are glad to share that 2 Bangladeshi applicants are being accepted for this work permit application and their applica...

We are glad to share that 2 Bangladeshi applicants are being accepted for this work permit application and their applications are under process.

If you are interested in applying, contact us. We’ll be happy to help you.

Sponsored guaranteed work permit for Australia

Our Australian client is urgently looking for unskilled construction workers internationally for their construction company under visa subclass 482

Eligibility criteria and Requirements:
# Age between 20 - 45 years
Training will be provided for 6 months
# Ability to perform building works
# Basic knowledge of health safety
# Minimum High School degree, mandatory
# IELTS 5.00 General Test, no less than 4.5 individually, or equivalent of TOEFL, IBT, PTE
# A good Conversational English is mandatory
Tests (can be submitted after the initial selection)
# A Police clearance (can be submitted after the initial selection)
# Physical fitness certificate from a doctor (can be submitted after the initial selection)
# 60 hours in a week
can sponsor their family after 6 months
Salary and Benefits:
# AUD 24.23 per hour for the first 6 months (AUD 37, 798.80), and AUD 35.61 per hour after 6 months (AUD 111, 103. 20 yearly) before tax
# Accommodation: Self
# Food: Self
# 30 days paid leave
# Health insurance: Self
# Ticket: self
: self
# 2 years renewable contract
Airport pickup is possible for the selected candidates.

It is an ongoing recruitment

If you fulfil the eligibility criteria, please send your complete CV, copy of your Higher Secondary School certificate, Passport copy, IELTS certificate to us, all documents must be in English and it is first-come first-serve basis:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Please note that it is a Sponsored guaranteed work permit under the Australian Government, Department of Home Affairs (https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/)

This job has been advertised by Global Rx Business Ltd., UK

Sponsored guaranteed work permit for Australia Our Australian client is urgently looking for unskilled construction work...

Sponsored guaranteed work permit for Australia

Our Australian client is urgently looking for unskilled construction workers internationally for their construction company under visa subclass 482

Eligibility criteria and Requirements:
# Age between 20 - 45 years
Training will be provided for 6 months
# Ability to perform building works
# Basic knowledge of health safety
# Minimum High School degree, mandatory
# IELTS 5.00 General Test, no less than 4.5 individually, or equivalent of TOEFL, IBT, PTE
# A good Conversational English is mandatory
Tests (can be submitted after the initial selection)
# A Police clearance (can be submitted after the initial selection)
# Physical fitness certificate from a doctor (can be submitted after the initial selection)
# 60 hours in a week
can sponsor their family after 6 months
Salary and Benefits:
# AUD 24.23 per hour for the first 6 months (AUD 37, 798.80), and AUD 35.61 per hour after 6 months (AUD 111, 103. 20 yearly) before tax
# Accommodation: Self
# Food: Self
# 30 days paid leave
# Health insurance: Self
# Ticket: self
: self
# 2 years renewable contract
Airport pickup is possible for the selected candidates.

It is an ongoing recruitment

If you fulfil the eligibility criteria, please send your complete CV, copy of your Higher Secondary School certificate, Passport copy, IELTS certificate to us, all documents must be in English and it is first-come first-serve basis:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Please note that it is a Sponsored guaranteed work permit under the Australian Government, Department of Home Affairs (https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/)

This job has been advertised by Global Rx Business Ltd., UK

As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barkatuhu. Happy Friday everyone.In the planet earth, there are 2 oceanic water that...

As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barkatuhu.

Happy Friday everyone.

In the planet earth, there are 2 oceanic water that never mixes with each other due to difference of concentration.

Scientists have found the reason for not mixing only a few years back. But, Allah SWT mentioned it in the Holy Quran more than 1400 years ago in Surah Ar Rahman, Ayah 19 and 20.

مَرَجَ ٱلْبَحْرَيْنِ يَلْتَقِيَانِ 19
بَيْنَهُمَا بَرْزَخٌۭ لَّا يَبْغِيَانِ 20

(19) He ( Allah SWT) merges the two bodies of ˹fresh and salt˺ water, (20) yet between them is a barrier they never cross

Ar Rahman ( Surah number 55 )

فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
So which of the Creators favours of will you deny ( Jinn/Jinni and Insan/Humans ) ?

Can anyone deny this fact? No, never.

May Allah SWT guide us on the right path (SIRATUL MUSTAKIM) and bless us all. AMEEN

OceansWhy the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans Don't mixWhy do the two oceans not mix?It’s not two oceans meeting, its glacial melt water...


আস সালামু আলাইকুম ওয়া রাহমাতুল্লাহি ওয়া বারাকাতুহু I

তিন ধরণের বান্দার এবাদত কখনো কবুল হবে না সে যতই এবাদত করুক, বা দান খয়রাত করুক বা অন্য কোনো ভালো কাজ করুক কিনা

নাম্বার ১
পিতামাতার অবাধ্য সন্তান

নাম্বার ২
যে ব্যাক্তি অন্যের উপকার করে প্রতিটি মুহূর্তে তাকে মনে করিয়ে দেয় বা মানুষকে বলে বেড়ায়

নাম্বার ৩
যে ব্যাবসায়ী মুনাফার জন্য তার পণ্য সম্পর্কে অহরহ মিথ্যা বলে

আল্লাহতায়ালা আমাদেরকে সঠিক পথে চলার তৌফিক দান করুন

Allah SWT will not accept any Ibdah or charity or good deeds for the following three category of people even they do the best things for others:

Number 1: A disobedient child

Number 2: A person who does good things for others, but reminds him/her, or the person tells everyone that it has been done by the person

Number 3: A business person who alyways fabricates the price of a product for their profit

May Allah SWT guide us on the Siratul Mustakim.


WorkPermit for the right person in Australia

WorkPermit for the right person in Australia

Sponsored guaranteed work permit for Australia

Our Australian client is urgently looking for unskilled construction workers internationally for their construction company in under visa subclass 482

Eligibility criteria and Requirements:
# Age between 20 - 45 years
Training will be provided for 6 months
# Ability to perform building works
# Basic knowledge of health safety
# Minimum High School degree, mandatory
# IELTS 5.00 General Test, no less than 4.5 individually, or equivalent of TOEFL, IBT, PTE
# A good Conversational English is mandatory
Tests (can be submitted after the initial selection)
# A Police clearance (can be submitted after the initial selection)
# Physical fitness certificate from a doctor (can be submitted after the initial selection)
# 60 hours in a week
can sponsor their family after 6 months

Salary and Benefits:
# AUD 24.23 per hour for the first 6 months (AUD 37, 798.80), and AUD 35.61 per hour after 6 months (AUD 111, 103. 20 yearly) before tax
# Accommodation: Self
# Food: Self
# 30 days paid leave
# Health insurance: Self
# Ticket: self
: self
# 2 years renewable contract

Airport pickup is possible for the selected candidates.
It is an ongoing recruitment

If you fulfil the eligibility criteria, please send your complete CV, copy of your Higher Secondary School certificate, Passport copy, IELTS certificate to us, all documents must be in English and it is first-come first-serve basis:

[email protected]
[email protected]

Please note that it is a Sponsored guaranteed work permit under the Australian Government, Department of Home Affairs (https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/)

This job has been advertised by Global Rx Business Ltd., UK

Sponsored guaranteed work permit for AustraliaOur Australian client is urgently looking for a number of skilled Civil/Me...

Sponsored guaranteed work permit for Australia

Our Australian client is urgently looking for a number of skilled Civil/Mechanical Engineers internationally for their construction company under visa subclass 482

Eligibility criteria and Requirements:
# Minimum a Bachelor degree in Civil/Mechanical engineering or related field
# Age between 20 - 45 years
# Minimum 3 years experience in the relevant field.
# Good knowledge about building, construction and related fields
# IELTS 5.00 mandatory, no less than 4.5 individually, or equivalent of TOEFL, IBT, PTE
# Excellent Conversational English is mandatory
Tests (can be submitted after the initial selection)
# A Police clearance (can be submitted after the initial selection)
# Physical fitness certificate from a doctor (can be submitted after the initial selection)
# 60 hours in a week
can sponsor their family after 6 months
# After 5 years completion of contract, candidates will be eligible to apply for PR

Salary and Benefits:
# AUD 111, 000. 00 yearly before tax, after that it will increase in every year on performance basis
# Accommodation: Self
# Food: Self
# 30 days paid leave
# Health insurance: Self
# Ticket: self
: self
# 2 years renewable contract
Airport pickup is possible for the selected candidates.
It is an ongoing recruitment

If you fulfill the eligibility criteria, please send your complete CV, copy of your all educational certificates including secondary to higher educational certificates, Passport copy, IELTS certificate to us, all documents must be in English and it is an equal opportunity and first-come first-serve basis:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Please note that it is a Sponsored guaranteed work permit under the Australian Government, Department of Home Affairs (https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/)

This job has been advertised by Global Rx Business Ltd., UK

Work permit for a Business Development Leader/Team Leader for  Australia 🇦🇺Our Australian client is recruiting a Busines...

Work permit for a Business Development Leader/Team Leader for Australia 🇦🇺

Our Australian client is recruiting a Business Development Leader under the Visa Subclass 482 for their organization .

A work permit would be issued to the right candidate.

Entry Requirements:
# Minimum a Bachelor's degree in Management or a relevant Major.
# Minimum 5 years proven experience in business development, sales and marketing within the social services and special needs sector.
# IELTS 5.0 is mandatory and no less than 4.50 in each section
# A Positive police clearance
# A Clean Medical record
# Bilingual proficiency in Arabic and English is required, additional foreign languages are an advantage

# Fulltime weekly
# AUD$ 75,000 Yearly wages + Incentives on sales
# Transportation from workplace to residence
# Food: self
# Accommodation: Self
# Health Insurance: Self
#2 years renewable contract
hashtag candidate can sponsor their family after 6 months of initial contract

If you are the right person, please send your complete CV, educational documents, English language certificate, Passport copy to

[email protected] or
[email protected]

It is first-come first-served basis and equal opportunities for all international candidates

Application deadline: 9th September 2024


আস সালামু আলাইকুম ওয়া রাহমাতুল্লাহি ওয়া বারাকাতুহু I

আজ শুক্রবার, সহি হাদিস অনুযায়ী পৃথিবী ধংসের আগে ইস্রাফিল ফেরেস্তা সিঙ্গা ফুঁকবে শুক্রবারে I তাই শুক্রবার আসলে শুধুমাত্র মানুষ আর জিন ছাড়া পৃথিবীর সব প্রাণী ভয়ে থাকে I

জাহান্নাম শুধু শুধু সৃষ্টি করা হয়নি, আল্লাহর অমান্য কারী, তার নির্দেশের অবহেলা কারী, যারা আল্লাহ ব্যতীত অন্যদের প্রভু মানে, হিংসুটে, রাগী, ছিদ্রান্নেষী, খারাপ ব্যবহারকারী, লাঞ্জনা কারী, জুলুমকারী, সুদখোর,জেনাকারী, মিথ্যাচারী, ভন্ড, ঠগ, দুর্নীতিবাজ, প্রতারক, খুনি, লুটেরা রাজনীতির নামে, ক্ষমতার নামে যারা অসহায় মানুষ খুন করে, জনগণকে ঠকায়, মানুষের হক মেরে খায়, অকারণে নির্যাতন করে, গুম করে, শাস্তি দেয়, এদের জন্য তৈরী করা হয়েছে I যারা এসব করে এবং তাদের দোসরদের প্রতি রয়েছে হাজার হাজার মা, বাবা আর ভাই বোনের অভিশাপ, আল্লাহর লানত I আল্লাহর কসম এরা ইহকালে আর পর কালে কোনো জায়গIতে কখনো শান্তি পাবে না I এদের বিবেক প্রতি মুহূর্তে ধ্বংস করবে I মনে রেখো, তোমরা তো সারা জীবন বাঁচবে না, একদিন তো মরতে হবে, মরণের পর, কবরের আযাব তোমাদের গ্রাস করবে, অপেক্ষা করো I এটা সন্তান হারা, ভাই হারা, বোন হারা, বাপ্ হারা প্রানের আর্তনাদ, মানুষের আর্তনাদ I এটা আল্লাহর মহান বিচার I

দুনিয়াতে পার পেয়ে কিন্তু গেলে হাশরের ময়দানে কিভাবে পার পাবে? ভয় করো সেদিন, যেদিন না কাজে আসবে তোমার সম্পদ, তোমার স্ত্রী আর সন্তান বা পরিবার, বা অন্য কেউ I জাররা পরিমান ভালো কাজ বা খারাপ কাজ, তোমার প্রতিটি কৃত কর্ম অনুযায়ী তুমি প্রতিদান পাবে I

এটা শুধু রাজনীতিবিদ না, এটা সবার জন্যই প্রযোজ্য সে মুসলিম বা নন মুসলিম হোক I

আল্লাহ ন্যায় বিচারের মালিক, তুমি এদের সঠিক বিচার করো, আমীন, আমীন, আমীন I

Sponsored guaranteed work permit for Australia Our Australian client is urgently looking for unskilled construction work...

Sponsored guaranteed work permit for Australia

Our Australian client is urgently looking for unskilled construction workers internationally for their construction company in under visa subclass 482

Eligibility criteria and Requirements:
# Age between 20 - 45 years
Training will be provided for 6 months
# Ability to perform building works
# Basic knowledge of health safety
# Minimum High School degree, mandatory
# IELTS 5.00 General Test, no less than 4.5 individually, or equivalent of TOEFL, IBT, PTE
# A good Conversational English is mandatory
Tests (can be submitted after the initial selection)
# A Police clearance (can be submitted after the initial selection)
# Physical fitness certificate from a doctor (can be submitted after the initial selection)
# 60 hours in a week
can sponsor their family after 6 months

Salary and Benefits:
# AUD 24.23 per hour for the first 6 months (AUD 37, 798.80), and AUD 35.61 per hour after 6 months (AUD 111, 103. 20 yearly) before tax
# Accommodation: Self
# Food: Self
# 30 days paid leave
# Health insurance: Self
# Ticket: self
: self
# 2 years renewable contract

Airport pickup is possible for the selected candidates.
It is an ongoing recruitment

If you fulfil the eligibility criteria, please send your complete CV, copy of your Higher Secondary School certificate, Passport copy, IELTS certificate to us, all documents must be in English and it is first-come first-serve basis:

[email protected]
[email protected]

Please note that it is a Sponsored guaranteed work permit under the Australian Government, Department of Home Affairs (https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/)

This job has been advertised by Global Rx Business Ltd., UK


East Ham



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