A wee history lesson for Michaela from Australia on ‘Great’ Britain 🇬🇧 #scotland #scottishcomedy #britian #hystericalandhistorical #mountebank #standup
The royal family are adept at hiding stuff in the north east of Scotland, usually billionaire sex traffickers, but in 1651 thanks to the efforts of a local minister and his wife they were able to protect the Scottish Crown Jewels from clutches of the ‘pricks prick’ of British and Irish history, Oliver Cromwell
- #scotland #scottishhistory #dunnottarcastle #olivercromwell #mountebank #hystericalandhistorical
Follow the link in my bio if you would like some Mountebank Merch this Christmas! 😊🎄🎅🏻 👍🏻🏴🦄 #mountebank #hystericalandhistorical
The 21st century Highlands is populated mostly by retired English people and frequented by Harry Potter enthusiasts, that’s because the people who once lived here were ‘expelliarmused’ from their homes by precisely the type of bumbling Ron Weasley type characters who frequent whichever Edinburgh private school JK Rowling based Hogwarts on!
- #scotland #scottishhistory #scottishcomedy #highlands #scottishhighlands
On the 3rd of September 1650 a Scots and English met at Dunbar to battle over religion 🙏🏻 the monarchy 👑 and Scottish independence 🏴 thankfully it was all sorted and we haven’t argued about any of that stuff ever since! 😊👍🏻 #mountebank #hystericalandhistorical #scottishhistory #scotland #scottishcomedy
The difference between American country music and Scottish folk music! 🇺🇸🏴 #scotland #scottishcomedy #countrymusic #folkmusic #standup
Alexander III and Charles III were both crowned on the Stone of Destiny, Alexander at Scone and Charles at Westminster. Thanks to Charles’ dad Prince Philip’s diary we have a detailed record of what occurred on the day of Alexander’s coronation in 1249 👑🏴
- #mountebank #hystericalandhistorical #scottishhistory #scotland #scottishcomedy #coronation #alba #medievalhistory
Scottish people, we take our whisky seriously! 🏴🥃
#whisky #scotland #scottishcomedy #guns #standupcomedy
With the lovely weather we’ve been having in Scotland this weekend here’s a wee bit about how my granny used to spend the hottest day of the year! 😎🏴