Have a read!!!!
Clearly this is all a rubbish state of affairs. Choirs cancelled, gigs cancelled, work cancelled, SO MUCH!
However, two things happened to me yesterday. First was something I read. It simply said "in these most troubled times people are having to stay at home, and what are they doing? They are watching tv, listening to music, reading... THEY ARE TURNING TO THE ARTS"
Thinking about thins...'The Arts' is often looked down / treated as inferior in in the academic world, in schools, in society. Yet when people need something, it is right there. It reminded me why I love to do what I do. In the end, some things are things you do in life, like work, chores, things we all see as 'important'. We do them. However, somethings we do, we don't just do in life, but they ARE LIFE. Sing, dance, act, draw, write, create, make, invent.... And it is these things that, in the end, everyone turns to when they need it. They either turn to those doing it so they can enjoy it, or they do it themselves. This is why I am sooo gutted that the choirs I direct cannot run at the moment. People don't use them for nothing. People use them to feel alive, to lift spirits, to feel free. Support the arts, it is there when you need it most.
The second was a conversation with a Doctor (a GP and community Doctor) in a shop. He was saying how worried he was for people, his patients, and how hard this is going to be for people mentally. Staying in and not seeing people will be very hard for some people. Isolation and loneliness are rubbish. He was a really kind and clearly passionate man who, though worried about the virus, was equally worried about the mental health of people in these situations. He said if he has to go into self-isolation, he would look to learn something, likely a musical instrument or a language, and is advising people to do the same, to keep active both physically and mentally whilst having to stay at home.
He made me think. What can I do? What can I do for others for whom this is a hard time? What can I do for me?
So, here it is.
1 - For all those who sing with me every week, especially those who use it for so much more than just the singing, I will make music happen. I will live stream Melody Makers sessions. I will teach Shepway Voices song parts online live or through video. Who knows what else, let's see where the music takes us.
2 - For me, I am going to learn the guitar, and share that journey with you. It would be so useful to me to play both guitar and piano, especially as there are times when I just can't be bothered to take my piano somewhere to sing! So, watch me learn, and feel free to learn with me.
3 - I'll just go live on this here internet for chats, for Q+A sessions, for interaction, for fun and for whatever we need. If you see me on here, say hi, throw me a digital elbow or foot touch.
4 - I'll be sharing my music, my songs, and my world.
5 - I should try to keep up with the washing up.