Once again I hope this finds you all safe and well. This is to let you know of some new measures we have taken to reassure you that when you can travel with us again, we have done our very best to make sure you will be safe and comfortable on your journey. As well as the electronic filters being fitted as I mentioned in my previous post Chris has designed, made and fitted drop down/roll up protection screens between each double seat. These are made of a thick, clear polythene so as to limit visual impairment of passing scenery and other people etc on board. As shown in the video.
We have not yet been given any date by the Government of when we can resume our tour and excursion program but want to be ready to GO when we do.
I am now taking provisional bookings for later in the year, without a deposit, until I am certain of which tours will go ahead.
Our brochure can be viewed or downloaded from our web site, on the holiday page.
A revised day excursion leaflet will be available soon.
Another measure we have taken for your safety is to purchase a fogging Machine which will be used at the end of each day to sanitise the coach overnight.