Barracks Cottage

Barracks Cottage An original Scottish Butt 'n' Ben built circa 1723 expanded 270 years later to a popular retreat! BBQ & fire pit available

BARRACKS COTTAGE. THURS 20TH FEBWell, it had to end at some point, wind and rain has put an end to our 12 days of lovely...


Well, it had to end at some point, wind and rain has put an end to our 12 days of lovely weather! Needless to say we didn’t go out today but just enjoyed the peace and quiet of the cottage. Not going out allowed me to catch up with my saxophone practices. Hopefully the strong winds and rain would drown out any mute tones escaping down the lane and assaulting the locals eardrums!
Meanwhile, Dear Val, my ever patient daughter, lit the fire, cooked the dinner and did the dishes. I could really get used to having a galley slave!
While the storm battered down, looking out over to Skye was really breathtaking, the view changed from minute to minute with Skye at one point seemingly disappearing completely!
Dean came several times during the storm and made off with his fare to some wee sheltered spot. We still believe there are two of them. One seems too small to lift the slate, the other has no such problem.

⚓️ Floatie McBoatie ⚓️

Barracks Cottage.  Wed 19thAnother lovely day and the sun was out for most of it, other than going from our car to the J...

Barracks Cottage. Wed 19th

Another lovely day and the sun was out for most of it, other than going from our car to the Jenny All Things, that is “The Right Medicine Pharmacy” in Kyle. Purd the bird ran out of seed and the only place we could get it was Kyle - in the pharmacy?? It sold knitting wool and patterns as well as kilts for babies and even ordinances survey maps! I hesitate to add, we only bought the parrot food! Once home he looked at his new seed - picked up a bit of broccoli and turned his back on me.
From a comment on yesterday’s post I replied saying the daffodils will soon be out. Well knock me down with a feather, they’re out! Beautiful they are too, right by the gate at BC. In one day, everything can change as we all know and so it is here. What with daffodils blooming and … I’ll whisper this bit … new mole hills sprouting left right and centre all over the joint!
On our way back from Kyle we took a wee detour and followed the road to Ratagan. Lots of wee curious and my favourite, a huge tree blown over on the beach, exposing all it roots and goodness knows what treasures buried under it for ages while it grew. We didn’t stop, due to traffic but drove as far as the fish farm before coming home.
Tonight Val made baked potatoes double wrapped in tinfoil and cooked in the log burner, topped with a dollop of chilli con carne! Ohhh so good! On my boat I often heat hot cross buns or crumpets on top of my wee fire, sitting on a folded sheet of tinfoil. Comfort food!!
Dean has come and gone about 5 times tonight, he’s not happy until the slate holding his sarnies is up balanced on the nail! Just incase he’s missed a bit.

⚓️ Floatie McBoatie ⚓️

Barracks Cottage.   Tuesday. 18thA wee bit later than normal at getting out and about today, no deadlines to meet and no...

Barracks Cottage. Tuesday. 18th

A wee bit later than normal at getting out and about today, no deadlines to meet and no urgency to get to anywhere in particular.
So laid back were we, we almost decided to not go out at all. But we did! Val was on wheelie bin duty so did the trundling while little old me drove down the lane to await her by the community centre. Just enough time so snap up some local information about places near and far. Glenelg has it all.
So, today was agreed a visit to The Cosy Corner Cafe in Balmacara and then on to Plockton. I totally missed the turn off and ended up in Kyle! Not a big worry to go to Plockton first - nice wee house for sale there with a beautiful bird box thrown in!
By the time we’d left Plockton we knew we would be too late to go into The Cosy Corner, but that delightful shop next door, “Home in The Highlands” was open and I bought some socks and other minding to take back as gifts on Saturday.
Today’s weather was again really kind, but tonight it’s blowing a hoolie! Batten down the hatched and strap the bird to his perch!

⚓️ Floatie McBoatie ⚓️

Barracks Cottage.    Mon 17th FebBig cheesy grin as we awoke to yet another fine day! We considered taking our coffee an...

Barracks Cottage. Mon 17th Feb

Big cheesy grin as we awoke to yet another fine day! We considered taking our coffee and toast outside but once opening the porch front door changed our minds! It was so cold out there. We ventured out eventually and did our inspections of molehills, and various other points of interest around the garden. All being in order we went back along to the brocks as I had forgotten to show Val the second one further along the road. It was bitterly cold and we didn’t linger. The warmth of the lovely cosy cottage with its posh red roof beckoned us home where we stayed snuggled there in front of the fire for the rest of the day.

Tomorrow Balmacara and Plockton providing I don’t get lost again! Last visit there, was via Lochcarron!! Stupid satnav!

I’ve just spent the past half an hour with one of the many maps here. What is it with “The Isle of Oronsay” there’s hundreds of them?
I never was any good at geography!

⚓️ Floatie McBoatie ⚓️

Barracks Cottage.  Sun 16th FebYet another perfect day, a few feathery clouds in the sky, but they held no threat to our...

Barracks Cottage. Sun 16th Feb

Yet another perfect day, a few feathery clouds in the sky, but they held no threat to our wee patch of heaven here at BC. Just as well we didn’t have snow as family from Skye came over for a catchup and so agreed to meet at the cafe by the ferry so that their rather large dog could go for a good run on the beach. I love meeting up with family, we don’t seem to do it enough these days.
I was amazed to learn that the otters on a Scottish £10 note changes colour under a uv light! The lady in the cafe told us it was somebody who is connected to the cafe another ferry that designed the otter illustration on that very note!
Val joined the romp down on the sandy beach with the dog, but as my mobility isn’t that great I came back and put the kettle on for a nice wee cup of tea for them all after their exertions. It was a lovely way to spend the day, and so very grateful to them for taking time out of their day to see Val and me.
Ohhh dread! I had to report to R & F that there were even more holey moley excavations afoot this morning. I’ve never seen a for real mole, just pictures of them - I wonder if it’ll end up with a name too! Adrian??
Dean doesn’t like white eggs it seems! Fussy little fluffy friend ain’t he!!

⚓️ Floatie McBoatie ⚓️

Re the mole name joke… I dig it. Ray.

Barracks Cottage. Sat 15th.Yet another lovely day at BC, we really have been lucky with the weather here, not once have ...

Barracks Cottage. Sat 15th.

Yet another lovely day at BC, we really have been lucky with the weather here, not once have we had to put on raincoats and even on the coldest days have gotten away lightly once the sun came up a bit.
We set off to Fort William, taking the younger members of our group to the Railway Station there. Leaving at 9am to find the Mam had been well gritted and the road quiet, it crossed my mind that this must be a real chore, keeping the road accessible even through the night if it snowed. Lots of the nearby mountain tops had fresh coverings of snow on their peaks, breathtakingly beautiful, but driving I was unable to stop to grab a photo. Arthur was making his sleepy noises in the back and stopping would have roused him.
Once on the main road, dodging a few feral goats, cars started to pass us travelling in the opposite direction with 3 or 4 inches of snow on them, poor things had probably come down from further north I thought. Once at Spean Bridge the first snow flakes started to hit the windscreen. More cars came with more snow on them, the flakes got bigger, the verges were getting deeper and the traffic all slowed down to a sensible speed. (Apart from the Audi driver who overtook me and the three other cars in front)
Luckily the snow started to ease off on the drop down into Fort William, but you could tell by the slushy roads and pavements they had had a fair amount.
Val and I decided that we should just turn tail and head back before the Mam,, heaven forbid became impassible! Funny thing was that even before we got to Glengarry, the snow had gone from the roads and the sun shone down again. No sign of snow here at all. Aint we just the luckiest pair of' custodians!!

Still no sign of Dean or the cat, but there is a most wonderful moon tonight. I wish I was brave enough to drive up the hill and get photos of the moon shining down on the water from the viewing point ... alas, Val says an emphatic NO!
So, tonight I have to leave your visual delights to Ray and Fi and their shed load of wonderful photo's to enclose with my rambles.
Night all from a very quiet BC.

⚓️ Floatie McBoatie ⚓️

Barracks Cottage.    Friday.Hope you’ve had a wonderful Valentine's Day!  It’s been a glorious day here, again very fros...

Barracks Cottage. Friday.

Hope you’ve had a wonderful Valentine's Day! It’s been a glorious day here, again very frosty but bright sun quickly melted away the frost making for a perfect day.
We had a lovely drive over the Mam, the views seemed much sharper today but due to a steady amount of traffic coming from both directions, I couldn’t appreciate it as much as my passengers did, it made me happy hearing the ooo’s and ahhhh’s coming from the back seats!

The drive to Portree was really interesting as we could see the heather being burned off! It was a bit alarming at first sight, until the penny dropped! We thought “ohh nooo!” At the sight of the smoke and then relief as we turned the corner and said “Ahhh!”

Lunch was in the 1820 Portree it was very relaxing, great food, super service and dog friendly to boot. Then it was a short walk up to the book and gift shop for a few wee minding.
We got back to BC about 4ish and had oatcakes, Brie and chilly jam and cake for tea! The cheese was delicious, Morangie Brie … isn’t that a whisky “Glen Morangie”?
Anyway, I got it from the Glenelg shop and will be buying some more to take home!

Tomorrow Jac, Sarah Arthur and the dug will be heading home. Val, Purdie and I will stay on for another blissful week - lots of sax playing, knitting and reading some more Robin Hobb!! Interspersed with good food and day trips.

Dean’s been!!!

⚓️ Floatie McBoatie ⚓️

Barracks Cottage.  ThursdayIt was a very cold start to our day today, even Cashew was reluctant to head out with Jac to ...

Barracks Cottage. Thursday

It was a very cold start to our day today, even Cashew was reluctant to head out with Jac to get milk from the wee shop for our breakfast. Both cars looked like they had been dredged with icing sugar. So hats. scarfs and gloves were all donned before heading off to Corran for a hunt for some lovely shells and a picnic on the sleeper bench. That's the first time we have not been able to go to the hut for their lovely soup and sandwiches. Anyway, our picnic was good, with wraps, salad and a hard boiled egg and enough fruit to feed a school netball team at half time.
While we were there, we saw a helicopter circling around the hills. No idea what it was doing, either a Mountain Rescue or Military operation, a complete mystery as sadly no signal to confirm one way or the other.
We didn't stay for too long as it was still really cold and more pressing, the coffee was done.
Once back at BC we were really surprised to see a new molehill on the grass by the stone circle, it definitely wasn't there when we left this morning. You can see by the photo that it's fresh, no frost covering it. The moles' feet must be like JCB excavators to get through the hard frosted soil.
Dean has just come for his supper, a different one from the other night, much smaller. The egg from yesterday was still there after the cats bit of plundering so today there were 2 eggs. One carried off by a smaller Dean, and now watching avidly for the second one to go. See! Look away for 2 seconds and you miss it. Egg 2 has vanished as quick as that.
Tomorrow we are going back over to Skye to have a wee nosey around Portree and area.
Watch this space…..

⚓️ Floatie McBoatie ⚓️

Barracks Cottage.   Wednesday.Mid week already! The time is really flying by, as are some military planes heading over t...

Barracks Cottage. Wednesday.

Mid week already! The time is really flying by, as are some military planes heading over towards Plockton. I'd love to know what they are up to!
We got up early this morning and set off back to Skye to visit the Ashaig beach. The sand was lovely, and Cashew ran from one end to the other and then back again, with her great big tongue lolloping in sheer delight. We had planned to have a picnic there, but instead went to Gasta, which was once the Reptile Centre in Broadford. The food was outstanding, and coffee arrived in a lovely outsized cup and saucer. We were all duly impressed with the place and would recommend it.
I'll tell you what amazes me, and that is that the petrol in Broadford is cheaper than my local petrol station in Glasgow. Last time I was here it was a Cooperative petrol station, but now it's an Asda one. I did, obviously, fill up the tank before heading back to the mainland.

By the time we got back to BC we were all ready for a nap, but remembering that the provisions had to be laid out for Dean, we put in the extra effort, and got it all set out nicely in readiness for him. Well! Wait for it, wait for it! Then along comes Macavity Cat and stole, yes stole, Dean's peanut butter sarnies, not just one, but both of them!!
I mean, who ever, in all the world, would think a cat would like peanut butter sarnies?

⚓️ Floatie McBoatie ⚓️

Tuesday at Barracks CottageI left my parrot squawking his annoyance at being left behind at BC and hobbled to the shore ...

Tuesday at Barracks Cottage

I left my parrot squawking his annoyance at being left behind at BC and hobbled to the shore to comb the beach for treasures. I was joined by my two daughters, Val and Jac, and SJ my adult granddaughter and Jac's 8-month-old son, who, judging by his giggles, had already decided that his gran still hadn’t found her land feet! Oh, and let’s not forget Cashew, our hyperactive Border Collie, who had to be hauled to the beach as she had taken a shine to the neighbor’s sheepdog.

The sun gleamed down in bright rays and was surprisingly warm, then suddenly it was interrupted by gusts of wind that chilled you to the bone! We were beachcombing through the rocks for treasures like driftwood, shells, and anything that could tell a story.

As we wandered on, the sun began to sink lower, turning the horizon into a brilliant gold. The rocks here glittered as if the sea itself had sprinkled stardust on them. In the evening we all kept our eyes trained on the sky, hoping to catch a glimpse of shooting stars,which we had been advised about by google! Cashew, meanwhile, kept pacing between us and the fence - ears perked, no doubt thinking of that handsome sheepdog.

The night grew darker, but the memories lingered. It had been a day of quiet discoveries, gentle winds, and stolen moments of joy—one of those days you can’t quite capture in words, but always manage to carry with you.

⚓️ Floatie McBoatie ⚓️

Monday 10th FebSo good to be back at BC, I always feel so safe here with none of the stresses that we all feel these day...

Monday 10th Feb

So good to be back at BC, I always feel so safe here with none of the stresses that we all feel these days in our own home lives. Here, your shoulders drop about 6” and the helter-skelter that goes on in your brain, on constant alert all just seem to dissipate once the bags are stowed and the pecking order for beds have been won. Our hosts have thought of everything, there is nothing forgotten in the itinerary, every last minute detail has been covered. Perfection.

Dean, obviously, came to say hello to us all. Staying for a good 5 - 10 minutes between egg and peanut butter sandwiches. (Purchased I might add from Marks and Spencers, none of that cheap rubbish for our Dean! I do remember that one time “Dean” almost completely filled the window cill - the next night a much smaller one came. BC has definitely played a big part in ensuring generations of Pine Martens in the area.

We woke up to a very chilly morning, frost all around the cottage and a beautiful clear blue sky, no porridge for us. Toast and marmalade and then off to explore - the beach, the broch, the Glenelg shop, the shop at the ferry terminal and through to Kyle to pick up our order made on line, over to Skye for cheaper petrol, flowers left at cemetery for my daughters grandmother and then back to BC for dinner.

This evening I have been playing my saxophone for the most part, I hope it doesn’t disturb our nighttime visitor. Going to be spending the rest of the night watching for Dean and shooting stars!

Sadly my photos aren’t behaving themselves tonight, perhaps Fi and Ray will be able to assist with a few more to make this a bit more interesting for you all. I fail!!

⚓️ Floatie McBoatie. ⚓️

I left the boat moored at anchor, (tied up on the pontoon) and leaped into my skiff, (my Mitsibushi Mirage) to start my ...

I left the boat moored at anchor, (tied up on the pontoon) and leaped into my skiff, (my Mitsibushi Mirage) to start my well earned shore leave! So with my youngest daughter and 8 month old Grandson at the oars and me, myself and the parrot stealing from the front seats, set off for the A82, past Loch Lomond and north towards the ever warm and welcoming thoughts of arriving at our destination. Barracks Cottage! In my wake came another daughter and granddaughter, this being the formers first visit with us, I’m sure she was as excited as the rest of us were. It wasn’t long before they sped ahead of us due to nappy changes and feeds for our young cabin boy! Meeting up in Morrison’s carpark in Fort William after 3 hours of driving..
While there, they whiled away some time waiting for us to arrive by explored the sights of the town which I must admit, I have never done. It all looked very interesting, worth spending time there myself one day.
But not this day, the sun was starting to blush and drop from the sky so we headed onward and upward, with the thought of Dinner, warmth and the ubiquitous, wee dram on arrival.
Turning up onto the single track road towards Glenelg I reminded myself that I hadn’t told my daughter about the drive over the Mam, she’s a darned good driver so felt sure she would find it a doddle. I did though, indicate on the really tight bends and went at a gentle speed. At the view point, I slowed right down to allow her to get a glimpse of the spectacular sight of the sun setting in the water and shimmering on the hills beyond. Funnily enough, she didn’t find that amusing and according to her daughter, shouted at me yelling “Don’t stop you fool!” her knuckles, white, clinging to her steering wheel. Yeah, I kind of forgot she doesn’t like heights too much!
So arriving at BC, all was amazing - wow, that’s some work been carried out since our last visit - I love it! The front porch is such a great area, and that "boot taker offer," makes things so much easier for an old stuffy like me! Such a well thought out area! The other new thing to gawk at was the amazing en- suite!! Absolutely breath taking, I love a good loo!! There was something else different, but I couldn’t put my finger on it, so I put out the egg and sarnie for Dean and almost fell down the non existing drop from the living room to hallway. Awww that’s a game changer, clever bit of designing there folks! Yet still, by this morning, I was anticipating the drop which never came.

Just a last minute offer…..Meantime, you can’t afford to miss yet another of our most favourite contributors to this pag...

Just a last minute offer…..

Meantime, you can’t afford to miss yet another of our most favourite contributors to this page… (there are so many of you!) who at this very moment in time, has left her seafaring life to take custodianship of BC ..along with her crew) and will be reporting on her first day… just after midnight tonight…
DONT MISS …. OUR VERY OWN…. The one and only

⚓️ Floatie McBoatie ⚓️

So if this week (or part of) is wished for, then please phone Ray or Fe on 01821 642525. Or email [email protected]

Good evening,BC Saturday 8 - heading home!It was an early start to get prepared for heading home on another crisp and cl...

Good evening,

BC Saturday 8 - heading home!

It was an early start to get prepared for heading home on another crisp and clear morning, birds singing and Dean on his window ledge looking for leftovers and sultanas that had been put out for his feathered friends. Robin flew in too to say cheerio. With the stove cleaned and ash bucket in hand I headed to down the access track to fill the potholes - recalling Ray's advice I checked the wind direction before commencing to dump the ashes! All before breakfast (sadly no time for porridge 😭) It was strange not lighting the stove.

Car packed we turned the key in the door of BCs fabulous new porch at 0945 and headed to the Apiary Cafe at Dalwhinnie, it was worth returning and the staff were again so friendly and helpful. The Apiary provides a broad menu and good coffee. All served with a smile.

Some final photos from the journey home are available for viewing.

Best wishes

Hi all BC Friday 7th February Our last day of a wonderful week.  We woke to clear skies and a crisp frost.  As I lit the...

Hi all

BC Friday 7th February

Our last day of a wonderful week. We woke to clear skies and a crisp frost. As I lit the stove I recalled the book "Ken Smith The Way of the Hermit" , Ken talks in his book of felling trees for the construction of his home and use in his log burning stove. His home, a self-build timber cabin, sits on the shore of Loch Treig in an isolated part of the Highlands.

We could not leave tomorrow without not having visited Corran and enjoying the many vistas on route. At Corran we met a local couple with their gorgeous dogs and discovered we had places in common. We also spotted a number of stags enjoying the afternoon sun close to Corran. I hope you get some pleasure from the attached images.

Wishing you all the best and a huge thanks to BC.

Sylvia & Andrew

BC. Thursday 6th.Hi all,What a glorious morning to wake up to with Skye beautifully illuminated by the rising sun. No ti...

BC. Thursday 6th.

Hi all,

What a glorious morning to wake up to with Skye beautifully illuminated by the rising sun. No time to linger outside enjoying this moment of beauty though! Herself had pointed out that if I wanted to have supper I had to catch it first, the cupboard was bare 😱. Like Blackadder's Baldrick "For I had cunning plan" 😂, I set forth towards the village in time to get OUR supper. Very kind of JTs of Portsoy to bring it to me 😂 (Thursday, 0915ishish @ the school entrance by the village hall). However, I recalled last year over spending the household budget in the purchase of copious amounts of some very fine fish from JTs, for which I received a severe scalding..... Lesson learnt, and not wishing to have my ear cuffed again, I confined myself to the purchase of two pieces of hake and haddock.

Later, under blue skies we headed to the shore for some beachcombing and a time of staying in the moment. With sticks, shells and pebbles collected we meandered our way back to BC enjoying the air and scenery and wandering where the time had gone, wonderful. BC and it surrounds gently encourages you to haud on or gan easy.

Delighted to be able to advise you that yesterday's coffee morning raised £355 towards the Community purchase of the Glenelg Shop 👏👏👏

Now the sun has set its time for a wee glass of Scotland's finest 😁. As always photos are attached, no dogs on trampolines 😂 but some other locals and a boatie in the distance!

Slàint mhath

It's goodnight from herself, Baldrick and our first share of a Glenelg sunset - you'll have to look at the photos though.

Evening all,You probably had a restless night wondering if I remembered to return for the wheelie bin today!  Well, Sylv...

Evening all,

You probably had a restless night wondering if I remembered to return for the wheelie bin today! Well, Sylvia and I headed to the Glenelg Village Hall where a coffee morning was being held in support of raising funds for the Community buyout of the Glenelg shop. Yes, we receive a lovely warm welcome, consumed delicious scones and had some success in the raffle. On the way back I spotted the wheelie sitting on the verge and safely returned it to its wee garage. We also stopped to get some local gossip from a collie on a trampoline and its woolly friend.

Dean and his moggie mate returned last night for supper, the kitchen becoming rather busy providing many peanut butter 🧈.

My porridge was again cooked on the stove and I've decided that this method suits me fine. It is very therapeutic and mindful way to commence the day, you go at the pace of the stove with a wee stir now and then, no beeping from the microwave, just the sight and sound of the logs gently burning. Maybe some gentle sax playing in the background, a glance out of the window of the snow-capped mountains 🤔 Can't get better than that.

Mustn't forget the weather 😂. We've had a lovely mixture today including being blessed with a rainbow 🌈. Shaun, the weatherman, has promised us a fine day tomorrow. Please enjoy the attached images.

Slàint mhath

Hello,Welcome to a chilled-out Tuesday at BC 😃 the day has mostly been a mirror image of Monday.  Dean visited at 0730 f...


Welcome to a chilled-out Tuesday at BC 😃 the day has mostly been a mirror image of Monday. Dean visited at 0730 for breakfast but left disappointed - there goes his 5 star review rating 😂. It has been blowing a hoolie for most of the day (I understand the origin of the word hoolie is perhaps from the Orkney Scots hoolan strong gale). Copious amounts of coffee have been enjoyed through the day, the beans provided by our local roaster in Perth.

Between squalls we headed to the Glenelg shop for some groceries and treats (I'm sure Jaffa cakes have shrunk 😞). I was later despatched back to the shop with me taking to multitasking by positioning the refuse bin for collection on Wednesday. As the weather had settled I took a wander around grabbing photos which I hope you don't mind me sharing with you.

Must go, Dean has arrived...

Slàinte math




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