Wishing all our fabulous custodians… friends and neighbours of Barrack Cottage a REALLY Merry Christmas, with a safe, happy & healthy 2025.
Ray & Fe. ❤️ ❤️
Tis Sunday already!
Well.. Fe ventured on foot to the Shore Station Cafe (in something of a hoolie) and I joined her from the warmth of a car journey!!
We were rewarded with both delicious coffee and some quite lovely entertainment.. so volume up & enjoy!! (Kate from Cosaig Growers clearly has a number of additional strings to her bow!!)
Ray & Fe ❤️
Barracks Cottage
Well well… yesterday’s BC page, resulted in a so many more of YOU looking at this page and apparently appreciating the general ‘well being’ and ‘calm’ message, which mother nature evokes (over double the normal number of ‘hits’!)
Probably something to do with what we ALL need at times… being able to relax and appreciate what is around us… to cherish and enjoy, a soothing way of cleansing our mind body and soul, perhaps making something .. less painful…courtesy of Mother Nature!
Thank you all for your interest and to those who made meaningful comments…
So, videos… ie short film clips, tend not to attract many of you to a) watch & b) comment…
However, here is a wee very short movie .. sharing further moments of relaxation when I filmed some similar soothing, smoothing, solitary scenes of ‘light’ in and around Glenelg.
Sound on… sit back, chill, and enjoy.
Have a happy day!!
Ray & Fe. 😴 😴
Day 7. Barracks Cottage
Looking at the photos from today’s Glenelg and Arnisdale Face Book Page…. This evenings clouds have attracted much attention.
Whilst looking out to sea from BC’s window, all is still, quiet and serene.. but just play the following.. with sound up…. And enjoy the reasons why this island is so called!
A wonderful day and a lovely visit from Pamela and DonaldJohn this afternoon.. fondly reminiscing about many of our visitors who may well be reading this.
I am so pleased to report that both are in extremely fine fettle!!
Please do nip into this video…WITH SOUND…taken today 7th Sept… a 2 hour film condensed to 30 sec or so…..and let the clouds whisp away any problems or predicaments you may be facing… just relax and join in with the therapeutic and mesmerising soothing effect of BC looking at sky
Ray & Fe. 😴
Day 5
So very sad to have heard about the death of Ian Campbell at the weekend. Ian and his late wife Cath were some of our earliest acquaintances when we were first introduced to Glenelg.
A lovely person, friend and good neighbour who will be truly missed.
The sunset fades away, but the memories last forever.
Ray & Fe ❤️
It's the 16th of August and it was today, back in 1766 that songwriter Carolina Oliphant, Lady Nairne, was born in Gask, Perthshire. Sadly she is little known despite her songs being as popular as some of Burns.
She wrote 'Charlie is my Darling'... 'Wi 100 Pipers' and of course “Will Ye No Come Back Again” Born into a fiercely Jacobite family, much of her songwriting reflects the political climate of the time.
I wonder how many of you, having spent some magical moments at B/C and with car packed with momentoes and memories .. closing the gates of Barracks Cottage before your homeward journey, have actually stopped to try to comprehend that distant tune... coming from the direction of the cottage ?
The Dirty 30…! Sat 8th June 2024
A 30 mile run/walk across the highlands of Scotland starting and ending at Glenelg.
This is an Incredible event with competitors from all over and a good number of locals!
Fancy entering for next year…? Click the following for information.
Sound up….Sit back, relax and enjoy…
Ray & Fe ❤️ ❤️
Just enjoy yesterday’s great, unexplained and unexpected event at B.C.!
Who can tell us what the following wee ceremony is about.?
(For some reason, videos or movies tend not to be watched by our BC followers…. however, please click on this great bagpipe occasion..and let me know your thoughts.)
About a dozen or so braw pipers proudly and tunefully gathered around the Barracks.. and then marched along the road.. as if to welcome our lovely relatives from Ireland.. who were arriving for a visit at that very moment.. ( spot their white vehicle in the background.. as they wisely reversed back up the track!!) So sound up and enjoy this unannounced happening at BC
Positively rousing and a lovely event….but we are so in the dark as to who they were and what they were about?
No research in local websites offer a solution.
Ray & Fe ❤️ ❤️. I have discovered who they are !!!
After posting on the village FB page.. with over 1000 viewings including the following :- These are staff and students of The Piobaireachd Society Summer School who have been based at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig this week.
Day 7.
So.. Birds of a feather do flock!
I couldn’t resist posting this ‘slow motion’ clip of these charming Siskin… enjoying a very special meal at the BC window ledge cafe last night.
Please find the time to watch even just part of the following 2 minute film, to marvel at their superb aerodynamic skills.. enabling hovering… sidewinding… up or down and reversing, even!
Put the sound up… along with your feet… relax and enjoy.
Wonderful therapy and cheep at the price.
Ray & Fe ❤️ ❤️