Our Members and Elbow Grease
Asking members, what they do and enjoy in Elbow Grease and if they haven't joined, would they.
C.A.R.S: Plastic Cup Telephones!
C.A.R.S: Making Air Rockets 2
The Second Attempt at an Air Rocket
C.A.R.S: Creating Air Rockets
A small task to promote team work and communication skills!
Debate: Tourettes
Should a tourettes sufferer be allowed to attend church, in case they offend/disturb other patrons?
Watch the clip until the end for a twist!
*Please note all topics are picked for their controversial nature, none of the views expressed in the video reflect members of Elbow Grease*
Discusion: Lifestyle choices and Prison
A discussion asking if lifestyle choices affect health whether the recieptient of the lifestyle choice should pay for medical equipment.
Also whether prisonersshould pay towards their sentence in prison from future wages or benefits.
*Please note that the subjects are picked for their controversial nature and the views expressed in the videos do not reflect members of Elbow Grease*
Discussion: Free education after leaving school?
A training discussion, as mentionedin previous videos we use these discussions and debates to promote individual thought and team work and to help work on oration, diction and confidence building
Carol Practice
Our members Practicing carols so they could sing around Harlow during the Christmas Period of 2011
Discussion: Should Elderly get Electricity Fee?
During some of the CARS nights we get the members to have disussions ofsubjects, some controversial some fantasy to try and promote team work, discussion skills and also confidence in public speaking.
*Please note that all subjects are picked for their controversial nature and all views do not reflect the members of Elbow Grease*
Social Event: Monthly Party Night
The monthly party night arranged by and run by our members, one of our members runs the karaoke decks.
Training: Customer Paperwork
Explaining to our members how we iitiate our custmer contracts and risk assessments and how to do them.
Training: How Co-operatives work Part 2
A continuation video
Training: How A Co-operative Works
A training video, where our Service Co-ordinator explained to the members how a co-op works including the principles and member involvement
CARS Christmas Party
A Christmas party for the CARS (Community Access Respite Support) group and the Elbow Grease Team!
Promo Video
A promo video made by a friend of the co-operative. Warning it is loud!