I love Autumn on the farm, dewy cobwebs and conkers, frost lying and mist rising, colours on the trees, fun with fallen leaves, morning walks and cosy fires! 🍁🍂🤎
#swinmoor #swinmoorfarm #swinmoorelife #nature #autumn #favouritetimeofyear #holidaylets #holidaycottages
Whilst on my favourite ‘Roly Poly’ footpath walk I just saw these Canada Geese flying over the Swinmoor Holiday Lets this morning - What a lovely sight to start the day!🪿
#swinmoor #nature #farming #swinmoorelife #swinmoorfarm #canadageese #walkinginnature #morningwalk
@wyevalleybrewery tour and cellar training today. Not something I ever expected to do! Paul did all the tasting. It was really interesting and so good to see how much care goes into their products. Looking forward to stocking them at The Red Lion in Madley this Summer #tamingthelion #caskale #wyevalleybrewery
Spring @swinmoorfarm #spring #cows #swans #cygnets #parsonrussell #flowers #farming