
Hipmarrakech A website dedicated to luxury English-speaking riads in the buzzing, vibrant city of Marrakech.

Marrakech is an exotic city buzzing with life set against the backdrop of the magnificent Atlas Mountains. Marrakech is a place which floods the senses with strange and overwhelming sights, sounds and smells, casting a heady spell over the unsuspecting traveller. It is the place where Africa meets Arabic culture, and boasts a great selection of restaurants with an amazing ambience unique to Marrak

ech. Most Marrakech riads listed with us are owned or managed by English speakers and offer a different environment to that found in other riads in Marrakech or Morocco. All prices match those charged directly by the riads in Marrakech. Each riad in Marrakech can arrange for you to be met at the airport (15-20 minutes ride) as well as tours through a professional tour company, or you can do this directly through Hip Marrakech. Information on flights etc can be found on our travel information page.

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هل تعرف راوي حكواتي تقليدي وهو أيضًا طباخ ماهر؟نحن نبحث عن طباخ / منظف للانضمام إلى فريقنا في المقهى الجديد في مراكش. يج...

هل تعرف راوي حكواتي تقليدي وهو أيضًا طباخ ماهر؟

نحن نبحث عن طباخ / منظف للانضمام إلى فريقنا في المقهى الجديد في مراكش. يجب أن تكون راوي قصص لأننا مقهى يروي القصص ، يروي كل فرد في فريقنا القصص. تواصل معنا على الواتس اب: 0666189040

اعلان توظيف تعلن إدارة  مقهى العالمي للحكاية عن طلب توظيف لمن يهمه الأمر الاجابه بنعم او لا على بعض الاسئلة الثالية:-هل ...

اعلان توظيف

تعلن إدارة مقهى العالمي للحكاية عن طلب توظيف لمن يهمه الأمر الاجابه بنعم او لا على بعض الاسئلة الثالية:
-هل تجيد(ن) الترحيب بالضيوف؟
-هل تجيد(ن) الطبخ ؟
-هل تجيد(ن) سرد القصص وفن الحكاية؟
-هل انت(ي) نباتي ؟
-هل تتحدث(ن) اللغة الانجليزية ؟
-هل انت(ي) جيد مع أجهزة الكمبيوتر والتكنولوجية وتقنية التواصل عبر الاونلاين؟

لكل من يهمه الأمر المرجو التواصل عبر الواتساب على الرقم أسفله:
(+212) 0666-189040

We are looking for flexible people  to work in our new cafe in the marrakech medina Do you enjoy welcoming guests??Are y...

We are looking for flexible people to work in our new cafe in the marrakech medina

Do you enjoy welcoming guests??
Are you a good cook?
Can you tell stories ?
Are you a vegan?
Do you speak English?
Are you good with computers and IT?

If you are interested and you can answer YES to THREE or more of those questions please contact us by whattsap. (+212) 0666-189040

Nous Sommes Riad à Marrakech dont la recherche :-Des filles qui s'occupe des clients ( petits déjeuner et chambres, ména...

Nous Sommes Riad à Marrakech dont la recherche :
-Des filles qui s'occupe des clients ( petits déjeuner et chambres, ménages.. )
-Spécialiste Spa for hammam /massage
-Riads audit /guardian du riad.
-Multimédia technicien
Français et Anglais obligatoire au minimum pour le service et
Pour ce qui sont intéressés merci de nous contacter sur WhatsApp au numéro :

(+212) 0666-189040

We are Riads in Marrakech looking for flexible people to join our team for :
-Cooks/ femmes de menages
-A hammam/massage specialist
-Riad guardians/ Riad Audit .
-Multimedia Technician
Some knowledge of European languages French and English are necessary or at least a willingness to learn is essential. Previous experience in Riads is not required, training will be provided.
If you are interested in joining the team please send a WhatsApp message to the number :

(+212) 0666-189040 .

Nous Sommes Riad à Marrakech dont la recherche :-Des filles qui s'occupe des clients ( petits déjeuner et chambres, ména...

Nous Sommes Riad à Marrakech dont la recherche :
-Des filles qui s'occupe des clients ( petits déjeuner et chambres, ménages.. )
-Spécialiste Spa for hammam /massage
-Riads audit /guardian du riad.
-Multimédia technicien
Français et Anglais obligatoire au minimum pour le service et
Pour ce qui sont intéressés merci de nous contacter sur WhatsApp au numéro :
(+212) 0624305928

We are Riads in Marrakech looking for flexible people to join our team for :
-Cooks/ femmes de menages
-A hammam/massage specialist
-Riad guardians/ Riad Audit .
-Multimedia Technician
Some knowledge of European languages French and English are necessary or at least a willingness to learn is essential. Previous experience in Riads is not required, training will be provided.
If you are interested in joining the team please send a WhatsApp message to the number :
(+212) 0624305928 .

Multimedia technician required to join our team.       Supporting zoom meetings and multimedia online sessions from a ca...

Multimedia technician required to join our team.

Supporting zoom meetings and multimedia online sessions from a cafe in Medina, Marrakech.

Familiar with Wordpress, Zoom, YouTube, Vimeo and basic video editing.

Interest in storytelling would be helpful.

If you are interested in joining the team please send a WhatsApp message to the number : +442075700336

English speaking Riad.  Needs hammam massage specialist Contact by whattsap 0698649593 please

English speaking Riad. Needs hammam massage specialist

Contact by whattsap 0698649593 please

English speaking Riad  needs a hammam massage specialist to join our team Contact by whattsap please 0698649593

English speaking Riad needs a hammam massage specialist to join our team

Contact by whattsap please 0698649593

Endless shopping

Endless shopping

New privacy policy -

New privacy policy -

We are sure you have been hearing a lot about the GDPR. To comply with the new legislation, we are also writing to ask you if you still wish to continue to receive news and offers from us. We have updated our privacy policy and you can take a look at it here; 

  Ourika Valley Waterfall

Ourika Valley Waterfall








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