Re Last Nights Cliff and The Shadows Convention
As Dreams go I don’t think anything can top last night’s 1st Uk Cliff and the Shadows Convention last night. I will do a full review shortly but I have only just back home to Blackpool. There are many people I need thank the tributes who appeared. These were Jimmy Jemain - The Knight's Shadows- The Shaduows- Simon Goodall- Cliff As If - Josh Doyle the Compere Ksk and The Shadowers and the lovely Brian Licorice Locking whom I had the pleasure of spending some time with today as Jimmy took some of us on a tour around his childhood home. We even went past the Council House which Cliff lived in as a child. We were also pleasantly surprised and honoured when Cliff Sister Joan and his Niece Lindsey were there and they told me that they thoroughly enjoyed it and hoped we would do it again. I said yes we were going to be doing a full weekend event next year. They were both lovely people and I enjoyed meeting them very much. Now to all the people who helped me before or after the event or both. If I forget anyone I am sorry but here goes. My husband Derek, My Dad- Jimmy –Pauline- Joy- Jean – Sue- and the many Cliff fans who were only too willing to help us set up for the Event. I would also like to thank the Cliff Richard Office for being so supportive especially Gill Snow – Cliff himself for providing a prize for the Raffle and sending us a Letter to say that he could not be there but was with us in spirit. I will add a copy to my Website soon for anyone who did not get too see it. I was also asked by many Fans how do they get to know about the details for the next Event please email me on [email protected] or contact me through my Website www.cliffshadowsconvention.com and I will add you to mailing list. Re the requests re a DVD I am pleased to announce they will be on Sale shortly. So that leads me to my Photographer Paul from Web Black Swan who did an amazing job of taking Photos and video footage. Thank you also to the Broxbourne Civic Hall for letting us hold the Convention there and to Jimmy’s mum for helping us choose it and to all the people who donated Raffle Prizes which I will list shortly. Lastly and by no means least Thank you to all the fans whether you were Cliff or Shadows fans for being there and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Best Wishes Julie
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