Holt Bank history
The banner map is of 1850 and there is only Gledholt Hall, stables and associated buildings showing, no other residential development took place until the sale of fields by the local land owner around 1867.
Holt Bank originally a detached coach house built in 1869 to accommodate a horse, carriage and reputedly a stable hand/gardener/driver who lived in the 1st floor loft space, access via a vertical ladder. Heating was sparse with only a single pipe served from the adjacent potting shed’s boiler, providing a modicum of comfort for the horse and lad. Hay bales were loaded into the loft area via a rope pulley through the external door, progressively being fed to the horse via a slot in the floor, down into the manger below. With the move to motorised transport in the 20th century the building was modified and became a garage and storeroom. Over time the building structure deteriorated with erosion of the external stone work and weakening of the roof and floor timbers, leading to the roof slates dislodging and floor boards becoming unsafe. We decided to completely renovate the building and create a modern detached dwelling with quality facilities whilst retaining the original features, incorporating facilities to offer our guests the comfort and modern technology they rightly expect.