The seldom visited valley, home to a Borders mystery…
Kilbucho is hemmed in by Goseland Hill to the north, and the rounded bulk of the Coulter Fells to the south. To the west, the Clyde leads to central Scotland and to the east the Tweed drives into the Borders. The name Kilbucho itself is derived from Gaelic and there has been a church here since the Middle Ages. It is the manse of this now ruined Kirk where this eerie mystery took place. Both Kirk and Manse are tucked up a side valley of this already remote Glen, with only the odd, scattered sheep farm for company and the nearest villages some miles away. In the cold February of 1902 The Manse was a private residence and home to two middle aged sisters - Elizabeth and Isabella Hope. Retiring to bed at around midnight, the sisters were soon awoken by the sounds of their bedroom window pane being smashed to bits, with their flickering candlelight illuminating a huge, bearded man hacking at the glass and wood with an axe. Once the window was totally destroyed, he pointed a revolver in and shot twice, leaving bullet holes in the sister’s headboard. Scrambling and crawling, they escaped to the kitchen where the figure repeated his awful business, smashing a window and firing twice, with bullets embedding into a pantry door. In barefoot and night clothes the sisters escaped into the freezing dark, running for their lives towards the neighbouring Mitchellhill Farm, home to the Todd’s. Mr Todd and his shepherd, armed with shotguns, made their way up to the manse where they were soon joined by a posse of local farmers - men who knew every patch of grass and twisting burn in these hills. However despite a wide search no sign was ever found of the bearded man, not so much as a footprint could be located. The police found that he had opened a drawer in the kitchen, but nothing was taken.
The mystery was never solved.
Elizabeth and Isabella Hope never slept in the house again, it was sold and they lived out their lives in Peebles. The manse remains a private house, in a lonely valley, within a lonely valley…
Thanks to where I first read this eerie tale. Check out his great website.