Our partners Suffolk Building Society have supported us to showcase the reality of #homelessness in #Ipswich Here's a sneak peek at the new video π₯
Our #AdviceHub, the Chapman Centre supported 198 people last month around #homelessness but current funding only covers 80% of its costs. This #GivingTuesday consider becoming a #regulardonor to ensure our doors stay open next year. #SpareAThought #ShareAlittle
This #GivingTuesday consider how you, a group of your friends, or work colleagues can support #localpeople living with the experience of #homelessness in #Suffolk. Regular donations can make a huge difference to how we offer our services. #SpareAThought #ShareALittle
Tomorrow is the annual #GivingTuesday But #localcharities support #localpeople every day. Please consider becoming a regular supporter, to keep services open for those who need them. #homelessness #Suffolk
We know that people who are #homeless can make a significant change in their lives, with the right support at the right time. We are that support.
If you're not sure how to best support someone you spot sleeping on the streets, let Streetlink know. Specialist support can then be directed straight to them. #homelessness
If you're interested in supporting a #localcharity, ihAg would love to hear from you. We're interested in your time and knowledge, not just the π· you may be able to bring. #homelessness
We know that the support we offer makes such a difference - but it's very individual to each person. Why? Because each persons' experience of #homelessness is different. #localcharity #localpeople #makingchanges
#MythBustingMonday It's hard to walk past people who are are on the streets asking for help or money. But money is not always the answer. #localsupport is.
We're here to provide the facts, talk through your choices, and support you through change. #adversitytosecurity #homelessness
Being #homeless doesn't just impact your safety. It impacts every aspect of your life, and those around you. At ihAg, we believe #homelessness is #everyonesbusiness Together, we can make a change.
If you'd like to make a long term difference to people living with the experience of #homelessness, consider becoming a regular donor
ihAg sees each person who asks for support as an individual, and tailors the support offered specifically to their needs. #listening #homelessness
How does our work make a real change? We harness the super power of #listening !
Has your perception of #homelessness changed over the last 18 month? Ours hasn't as we've always known that #anyone can become #homeless
Choosing a charity to support through regular giving, one-off donations or via a Legacy in your will can be a tough decision - so many do great work. Listen to Jools, our CEO explain why choosing a #localcharity can make an enormous difference.
Worried that your circumstances may lead you to become #homeless? Please, contact us today. #HereToHelp
#mythbusters Anyone can become #homeless. We see the person, and work with the circumstances.
We know that #debt can be a major factor in people losing their homes and becoming #homeless. That's why we have a professional Money Advice Service, which is free and confidential and open to anyone in Suffolk. The sooner you ask for help, the faster you will feel back in control. #heretohelp
#MythBustingMonday Aren't there really only a few people who are genuinely homeless? Unfortunately, more than you would think. #HiddenHomeless