Join us on a fully-guided club-moto motorcycle tour... share our many years of experience and passion for riding abroad! club-moto is an independent UK motorcycle touring company created to make touring on your motorcycle in Europe easy, enjoyable, challenging and with no hassle as we sort everything for you. If you want a trip with a touch of adventure, love roads with perfect tarmac that twist a
nd turn, sweeping bends, amazing scenery and riding your bike like it was meant to be ridden, then you've found it...
Our tour members are of all ages, and from many walks of life: some solo and some with a pillion - all competent riders comfortable with covering up to 300 miles a day. We bring together like-minded riders who are smooth, safe and happy to ride fun and exhilarating roads through spectacular scenery at their own pace. Our routes cover some of the finest roads: ride across high plains, weave your way through rolling hills, take the twists and turns in mountains... plenty of opportunities for fun! Unusually for a touring company we have a support van. We take your bags so you can ride luggage-free, our driver takes them to the hotel. We also carry handy bits and pieces and are on hand to assist where possible. Our tours are not purely sightseeing trips, they're about spending the day riding the fantastic roads. Tours to allow you to ride your motorcycle in some enthralling places and engage with the countries we travel through, enjoying thrilling roads and breathtaking panoramas. Hotels are carefully researched, often in historic locations, some in towns, some in the middle of nowhere. Have a drink, relax, eat and reflect on the day's ride with other tour members.