We can’t believe it's already been 6 months since our last festival.
Let’s take a look at some highlights from Freedom Festival 2024!
#FreedomFestHull #FreedomFest25 #Hull #EastYorkshire #FestivalHighlights
We had an incredible turnout for #FreedomFest24, and it was amazing to capture so many wonderful behind-the-scenes moments!
Check out some of the BTS highlights we captured from our participants.
If you’re feeling inspired to join in, we’ll be recruiting for new participants soon, stay tuned! In the meantime, learn more here: https://www.freedomfestival.co.uk/opportunities/participation/
#FreedomFestHull #FreedomFest25 #Hull #EastYorkshire #Participate
It’s day 24, so it’s the day to open the last door on our advent calendar! And it’s a huge thank you to you, our audiences, who have always turned out and supported our festival and made it what it is today. We couldn’t do this without you and your unwavering passion for Freedom Festival!
We’re always striving to make arts and culture accessible to all, and will continue this in 2025, engaging in local communities and bringing incredible world-class performances to the streets of Hull in creative and innovative ways.
And now to look ahead to 2025! Our team are now taking a well-earned Christmas break and will be back in January to continue preparing for our next festival. We can’t wait to show you what we have in store! Why not sign-up to our newsletter so you can be the first to hear?
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year – the Freedom Festival Team x
#freedomfesthull #Hull #EastYorkshire #EventsHull #Festival #christmasinhull #festivehull #adventcalendar
On day 23, we have another special film to share! This year, our Engagement Producer, Katie, captured some incredible behind-the-scenes action from our participation projects. From NEST with participants from NICE - National Initiative for Creative Education and Welcome to English CIC, to Pan Catwalk with HEY Volunteering Volunteers, take a peek at what they got up to in workshops and rehearsals in this short film!
Check out the video now on our website!: https://www.freedomfestival.co.uk/news/2024-participation-film/
#freedomfesthull #Hull #EastYorkshire #EventsHull #Festival #christmasinhull #festivehull #adventcalendar
We’re nearing the end of our advent calendar, and today is day 22! Up on our website for you to look through is a gallery of our participation projects from the 2024 festival.
Did you take part? Have a look through and save your faves, maybe you might spot yourself! And if you’ve got some lovely snaps please share them with us!
Thank you so much to all of our wonderful participants who got involved this year, and keep your eyes peeled for a surprise tomorrow!
#freedomfesthull #Hull #EastYorkshire #EventsHull #Festival #christmasinhull #festivehull #adventcalendar
It’s day 21 of our calendar and today is an extra special one, because our film is now live! You can now look back on the incredible highlights from our 2024 festival! https://www.freedomfestival.co.uk/news/2024-film-live/
Thank you so much for attending this year, we hope that watching our film brings back some wonderfully fond memories. Thank you to all of our amazing funders and supporters for making it possible!
A huge thank you to our creative partner, Nova Studios, for the filming and production of our highlights film.
#freedomfesthull #Hull #EastYorkshire #EventsHull #Festival #christmasinhull #festivehull #adventcalendar
It’s day 20 and today we’re thanking our additional partners, @hulldeliverycoop, @century_container and @jadan_press!
All of these partners make it possible for us to have eco-conscious solutions; from reducing our emissions, sourcing reusable containers, to producing recyclable programmes! We’re always striving to be sustainable as an organisation and having these partners helps us to realise this.
A huge thank you to our incredible additional partners!
#freedomfesthull #Hull #EastYorkshire #EventsHull #Festival #christmasinhull #festivehull #adventcalendar
On day 19, we’re looking at our 2024 Wrapped, and no, it’s not our office Spotify…it’s our festival stats! Check out our figures for this year and how you contributed to the numbers!
#freedomfesthull #Hull #EastYorkshire #EventsHull #Festival #christmasinhull #festivehull #adventcalendar
It’s day 18, and today we’re celebrating some of our additional partners for the festival! All these partners offer us their services throughout the festival that are essential in keeping things running in the background.
@wearesauceio, who continue the running and development of our app, @edwardsandpearce who assist in recruitment, @trinitymarkethull who provide use of their market as an excellent venue during the festival, including for rehearsals, and @johnewrighthull, who print and install our festival signage, including our iconic yellow arrows to help you find your way!
Thank you so much to these partners for continuing to support the festival!
#freedomfesthull #Hull #EastYorkshire #EventsHull #Festival #christmasinhull #festivehull #adventcalendar
Day 17 of our advent calendar is a treat! Today we’ve put up our incredible gallery of images from this year’s festival for you all to enjoy. Head over to our website to relive the 2024 festival with some amazing highlights!
Once again a huge thank you to Tom Arran Photography, who photographs our festival each year and captures the most wonderful memories for us all to look back on! Check it out: https://www.freedomfestival.co.uk/what-we-do/festivals-projects/freedom-festival/freedom-festival-2024/
#freedomfesthull #Hull #EastYorkshire #EventsHull #Festival #christmasinhull #festivehull #adventcalendar
Today is day 16 of our Christmas advent, and we’re celebrating our creative partners, Divine PR Limited and Diony, and media partner Nation Radio.
All three have been crucial this year in our Marketing, advertising and PR, to get our festival out there to as many people as possible and attract our audiences! It’s likely you saw one of our ads on social media, read an article about us, or even heard about us on the radio!
Here’s to our wonderful creative and media partners!
#freedomfesthull #Hull #EastYorkshire #EventsHull #Festival #christmasinhull #festivehull #adventcalendar