Bridgwater Knights roller Hockey Team welcomes anyone of any age and any ability to join them at the training sessions. There were several small groups playing skate hockey at various locations in and around Bridgwater. In 2005 these groups combined in order to improve and progress in a more organised and disciplined way. The Bridgwater Knights were established as a skate hockey team in 2006. The
group has A NEW HOME! at Bridgwater College Sports Centre, these sessions incorporate training drills and scrimmage play and are held on Wednesday evenings starting at 8.30pm, meet at 8pm to get changed. With new interest and additional members brought about by articles featured in the local paper, the group was able to form an official team. The new team with their striking black and red jerseys - was entered into the BIPHA (British Inline Puck Hockey Association) Southwest league. By being involved with the league and meeting and playing other teams, the group has been able to develop and improve skills in all areas of the game. In their first season Bridgwater Knights won first place for the player scoring the highest number of goals in the league. Other team members were able to see evidence of their improvement by monitoring their progress in the recorded stats which helps to encourage and motivate. The current team is made up of local players, national and international players, speaking various different lanuages. The group is very relaxed and focused on enjoying the sport while getting fit! Please feel free to get in touch with any questions