⏳27 days to Spring…!⏳
☀️🌧💨The weather is quite changeable at the moment but there are only 27 days left until the official start of Spring!
🪰With the warmer weather just around the corner make sure that any fly rugs you have are washed and repaired in time for the flies.
ℹ️Sweet itch is caused by an allergic reaction to the saliva of the culicoides midge (and sometimes the black fly).
🪰These midges begin to hatch when temperatures rise above 10°C – which won’t be far away.
➡➡One of the most important preventative measures in managing sweet itch is fly rugs so it is essential they are clean, repaired and free of any holes, and ready for use (even if that is under your turnout rug).
ℹ️In addition to your fly rugs remember to check your light weight rugs and show/travel rugs and get them washed, ready for the season ahead.
💜You can drop your rugs off at any of our collection points, via our agents, or directly at Robinson’s Rug Wash HQ.
➡Find out more here: https://robinsons.rugwash.co.uk/