❗️🪰Fly control tips🪰❗️
😳Is it just us, or does there seem to be more flies than ever around at the moment?
⤵Here are our top tips for you:
🪰 If the flies are persistent in your horse’s field then consider investing in a fly rug – these are not just for horses with sweet itch and are a relatively low-cost investment.
🐴 Use fly spray twice a day, every day and again after exercise – even when the flies are not out as this helps to build up a base line barrier smell.
Always check the ingredients of your fly sprays if you are competing under rules.
🆘 Remember to spray yourself before you ride, or invest in a citronella band - otherwise, you will become a feast for the flies instead of your horse!
⚠️ Some people swear they help to deter the flies by feeding garlic – but always stick to the recommended feeding amount as studies have indicated that feeding garlic in excess can contribute to anemia, and other studies have shown that it has little benefit as a deterrent.
💧 If you have lots of flies around your stables then the Outdoor Fly Traps (using water) offer an effective and safe way to catch flies around your horses.
🩶 For those horses who are plagued by flies when ridden, have a look at the exercise fly rugs, which offer good protection against flies whilst you ride.
❗️If you are using a fly rug, it is important to keep them clean. We have a quick turnaround on our rugs, and also offer a repair service as well, so if you need yours washed in a hurry please just get in touch.
ℹ️And whilst we are worrying about the flies, it is a great time to send us your winter rugs to get them washed, repaired and reproofed ready for autumn.