We are the University of Liverpool Bar Society and our aim is to provide you with the necessary skills and experience to progress to the next stage of training in becoming a barrister. A career at the bar is highly competitive, with both BPTC providers and chambers seeking those who not only have the intellectual ability, but excellent advocacy skills and a wider awareness of what it takes to succ
eed. This means applicants are required to have experience in advocacy and Mooting, to undertake mini-pupillages/pro-bono work and to have knowledge of the profession through networking and observing cases in Court. As a member, you will gain all of this and more as we are the only legal society that is dedicated to the bar and will provide direct opportunities and information to improve your chances all year. Our largest event is the Internal Mooting Competition that runs from October to March, open for all years, with the final held in St George’s Hall judged by barristers from local chambers. The competition is an excellent way of gaining the advocacy skills that providers and chambers are looking for. With Mooting on your CV, your application is guaranteed to stand out and we can guarantee that you will have fun and gain confidence whilst doing so. Moot problems are based on topics you will be covering at the time so there is no need to feel nervous as you will know the law, the key is applying it in a persuasive way, plus it is a great revision tool for exams! Aside from Mooting, we also provide a range of other opportunities to give you the wider knowledge and awareness that future employers are looking for. This includes; opportunities to apply for External Mooting Competitions, trips to the Courts and Inns of Court in London and talks/activity days with BPTC providers across the UK. Finally, the society also hosts social events as a way of meeting people who have similar passions to you, including those on the course and in the profession. Every year we organise a Meet and Greet and Annual Bar Evening, attended by barristers from local chambers, to allow opportunities for networking. Many students have gained mini-pupillage and work experience offers from these events, so they really are not to be missed! Bar Society Committee Members 2019/2020
President - Scott Cowley
Vice President - Jason Kuong
Secretary- Eleanor Suthern
Treasurer - Hawa Jogi
Mistress of Moots - Amy Mckechnie
Master of Moots - Reece Jones
Junior Mistress of Moots - Sara Jenkins
Junior Master of Moots - Chris Stacey
Courts and Mini Pupillage Officer - Ella Jackson
External Moot Officer - TBC
BPTC/ Inns of Courts Liaison Officer - TBC
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