Viajar com Anne

Viajar com Anne Travel services specialised in flights and holidays around the world, with the best rates and customer services.

A todos os clientes da nossa agência, aviso que a partir de hoje entro em licença maternidade. Não poderei atender nada ...

A todos os clientes da nossa agência, aviso que a partir de hoje entro em licença maternidade. Não poderei atender nada urgentemente, mas mesmo assim estarei disponível para auxiliar em mudanças de passagens ou remarcação de passagens que tenham sido compradas conosco. No mais, não estarei disponível para vendas ou cotações no momento, agradeço a compreensão. Muito obrigada!

É oficial! Essa é a notícia mais esperada por todos nós brasileiros que vivemos em UK! O governo britânico anunciou que ...

É oficial! Essa é a notícia mais esperada por todos nós brasileiros que vivemos em UK! O governo britânico anunciou que a partir do dia 11 de outubro, viajantes e residentes vacinados poderão viajar sem as restrições obrigatórias de quarentena em hotel! Essa notícia é muito boa para todos que ficaram todo esse tempo sem ir ao Brasil para visitar sua família e amigos!

Para mais informações acessem a website do governo britânico!

Ajudem ao Brasil a sair da red list, assinando essa petição:

Ajudem ao Brasil a sair da red list, assinando essa petição:

Brazil has over a quarter of its population fully-vaccinated (over 72 million people) – more than the whole UK population. Multiple European countries have opened their borders for Brazilian’s citizens vaccinated or with a negative PCR test. Please take it into consideration to move Brazil to Am...

Travel is back!You will be aware that overseas travel can take place from 17 May, the government has confirmed, as well ...

Travel is back!

You will be aware that overseas travel can take place from 17 May, the government has confirmed, as well as revealing which 12 destinations are on the green list under the travel traffic light system. However the destinations on the green list are very much leisure destinations or ones that still have their own strict entry regulations. For the corporate traveller, although some of these destinations such as Singapore and Israel are welcomed and show the Government's commitment to both business and leisure travel, key business destinations with low infection and high vaccination rates are not included such as the US and UAE. The BTA will continue to lobby the Government on a phased re-opening of further travel routes to support corporate needs. Below you will find a summary of the requirements in each category of the traffic light travel system.

Source: Focus


Acompanhe as principais notícias, reportagens e artigos sobre o mundo do turismo.

A LATAM vai retomar hoje suas operações entre o Aeroporto Internacional de São Paulo (GRU) e o Aeroporto Internacional d...

A LATAM vai retomar hoje suas operações entre o Aeroporto Internacional de São Paulo (GRU) e o Aeroporto Internacional de Lisboa (LIS) com o Boeing 767-300. A retomada acontece após o governo de Portugal permitir a volta dos voos comerciais entre Brasil e Portugal.

A LATAM anunciou que retomará as suas operações entre São Paulo e Lisboa a partir da próxima quinta-feira (22). Saiba mais!


Acórdão de tribunal brasileiro obriga a companhia aérea portuguesa a pagar cerca de 8 mil euros a seis passageiros impedidos de viajarem para Portugal

Happy Easter everyone!

Happy Easter everyone!

Com fronteiras abertas, europeus fogem das restrições dos seus paísesCom restrições mais amenas, Madri está se transform...

Com fronteiras abertas, europeus fogem das restrições dos seus países

Com restrições mais amenas, Madri está se transformando na capital europeia do turismo de bebedeira, em plena pandemia.

Com restrições mais amenas, Madri está se transformando na capital europeia do turismo de bebedeira, em plena pandemia


BRITS desperate for a holiday have reportedly been warned that foreign trips won’t be allowed until August at the earliest. Senior Government figures said that overseas travel being allowed i…

A lei diz que "ninguém pode, sem uma desculpa plausível, deixar a Inglaterra para viajar para um destino fora do Reino U...

A lei diz que "ninguém pode, sem uma desculpa plausível, deixar a Inglaterra para viajar para um destino fora do Reino Unido, ou viajar para um ponto de embarque, com o propósito de viajar desse ponto para um destino fora do Reino Unido."

Proibição de viagens faz parte de um conjunto de restrições que o governo publicou nesta segunda-feira (22)

Under current UK COVID-19 restrictions, you must stay at home (or in Wales, stay local). It is illegal to travel abroad ...

Under current UK COVID-19 restrictions, you must stay at home (or in Wales, stay local). It is illegal to travel abroad unless you have a legally permitted reason to do so. Check the rules in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

The Government guidance note regarding Red List of Banned countries has been updated to reflect these changes. Details as follows:
If you have been in or through any of the countries listed below in the previous 10 days, you will be refused entry to the UK.
If you are a British or Irish National, or you have residence rights in the UK, you will be able to enter. You must quarantine in a government approved hotel for 10 days.

•Cape Verde
•Democratic Republic of the •Congo
•Ethiopia (will be added to the list 4am Friday 19 March)
•French Guiana
•Mauritius (will be removed from the list 4am Friday 19 March)
•Oman (will be added to the list 4am Friday 19 March)
•Portugal (including Madeira and the Azores) (will be removed from the list 4am Friday 19 March)
•Qatar (will be added to the list 4am Friday 19 March)
•Somalia (will be added to the list 4am Friday 19 March)
•South Africa
•United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Job exemptions
Some people are exempt from the red list restrictions because of the work they are doing.

Source: ABTA (the travel association)

The UK Government this week announced further measures at the UK border effective as of 15 February 2021. These include:...

The UK Government this week announced further measures at the UK border effective as of 15 February 2021. These include:

Government secured hotel isolation requirement for all arrivals from the 33 countries on the UK government's red list
Passengers arriving from all countries will be required to take Covid-19 tests on day 2 and day 8 of their quarantine period
Significant penalties imposed if passengers do not accurately disclose they are returning from a red list country
These measures are in addition to the current requirements for mandatory pre-flight Covid-19 testing.

The Scottish Government also announced that all inbound passengers whose journey originated internationally, including those transiting via an airport in England, will be required to undergo supervised hotel quarantine for 10 days.

Anyone arriving into England who has visited or been in transit through one of the red list countries in the last 10 days will be required to purchase a quarantine package (which will include the government approved accommodation, Covid-19 testing facilities and assigned transportation).

Source: British Airways


Apesar da vacinação ter começado em boa parte dos grandes países do mundo, a Lufthansa apertou suas regras sob uso de máscara.

With much regret we have to announce that KLM sees itself forced to cancel all flights from/to AMS from 23JAN until 27JA...

With much regret we have to announce that KLM sees itself forced to cancel all flights from/to AMS from 23JAN until 27JAN (included) due to the flight ban between the UK and the Netherlands which the Dutch government has decided to implement in order to slow down the spreading of the COVID-19 virus in the Netherlands.

The exact duration of the UK>NL flight ban is not known. KLM is doing all it can to have its flight operations resumed as soon as possible and we will keep you informed of developments.

All affected passengers will be informed and we urge customers to check , and the Dutch government websites for the latest information.

Entendo que nesses últimos tempos estejam muitos passageiros confusos em relação à cancelamentos/reembolsos de passagens...

Entendo que nesses últimos tempos estejam muitos passageiros confusos em relação à cancelamentos/reembolsos de passagens. Mas insisto em pedir que entrem em contato diretamente com a companhia aérea/agência de viagens para obter informações. Os deixo aqui o mapa global com informações oficiais diretamente da IATA, para ajudar-vos com suas dúvidas sobre fronteiras e restrições.

I understand the following: This COVID-19 map is updated regularly and due to the ever-changing nature of the regulations, we strongly advise that you check with your airline before you travel. This information is part of IATA´s Timatic offering and as such unlimited access is available via a subsc...

British, Irish and third country nationals with residence rights in the UK who arrive after 4am and have travelled from ...

British, Irish and third country nationals with residence rights in the UK who arrive after 4am and have travelled from or transited through these destinations in the last 10 days will have to self-isolate immediately along with their household
This move is in response to new evidence highlighting the likely spread of a new coronavirus variant in South America and to countries with strong travel links with Brazil.


Imagem: Unsplash Passageiros vindos da maior parte da América do Sul poderão ser impedidos de entrar no Reino Unido para evitar a propagação da variante do coronavírus identificada no Brasil. … Read More

The UK Government has confirmed that from 0400 on 15 January 2021, all inbound passengers travelling to England will be ...

The UK Government has confirmed that from 0400 on 15 January 2021, all inbound passengers travelling to England will be required to present a negative Covid-19 test, taken up to 72 hours prior to departure. This includes UK citizens and those transiting airside via a UK airport. A limited number of exceptions are set out on the website.

Please continue to check the website regularly as further information will be provided regarding testing standards and what passengers will be required to have with them at check-in and at the UK border.

Source: British Airways

Be aware about the new rules for next week!

Be aware about the new rules for next week!

Lifestyle > Travel

O governo proibiu voos internacionais para o Brasil que tenham origem ou passagem pelo Reino Unido e Irlanda do Norte. U...

O governo proibiu voos internacionais para o Brasil que tenham origem ou passagem pelo Reino Unido e Irlanda do Norte. Uma portaria com as determinações foi publicada em edição extra do Diário Oficial da União na noite desta quarta-feira. A regra começa a valer em 25 de dezembro.

Brasileiros podem viajar normalmente com teste de covid e quaretena de 14 dias. Estrangeiro que seja cônjuge, companheiro, filho, pai ou curador de brasileiro; também poderão entrar.

Para maiores informações entre em contato com o consulado brasileiro mais perto de você!

Several countries have banned or will ban flights and travellers from the UK after the British government said on Sunday...

Several countries have banned or will ban flights and travellers from the UK after the British government said on Sunday that the spread of a more-infectious new strain of the coronavirus was now “out of control”.

Here are the countries that have announced travel bans so far:

•Argentina has banned flights from the UK. It said the last flight from the UK would arrive in the country on Monday.
•Belgium banned flights from the UK for at least 24 hours from midnight on Sunday.
•Bulgaria said flights to and from the UK would be suspended from midnight Sunday until January 31.
•Canada is banning all UK flights for 72 hours.
•Chile announced that it would suspend flights from the UK effective Tuesday.
•Colombia will suspend all flights to the UK.
•Croatia said it would temporarily suspend passenger air traffic from the UK for 48 hours.
•Denmark has suspended flights from the UK for 48 hours starting Monday at 09:00 GMT.
•El Salvador‘s President Nayib Bukele said anyone who had been in Britain or South Africa in the past 30 days will not be allowed to enter the country.
•Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have halted flights from the UK.
•Finland has barred flights from the UK for two weeks.
•France has banned all travel from the UK for 48 hours, including journeys “related to goods transport by road, air, sea or rail”.
•Germany halted all air links with the UK from midnight on Sunday, with the ban initially slated to last until December 31. Cargo flights will be exempt.
•Hong Kong will ban flights from the UK over new coronavirus strain.
•Italy has blocked flights from Great Britain and the “entry into Italy of people who have stayed there during the last 14 days”. The new strain has been found in one person in Italy who recently returned from the UK.
•Iran has ordered flights from the UK suspended for two weeks.
•Ireland has banned all flights arriving from the UK from midnight Sunday for at least 48 hours.
•Israel said it was barring entry to foreign citizens travelling from the UK, Denmark and South Africa.
•Kuwait has added the UK to a list of “high-risk” nations and banned flights.
•Morocco banned all flights to the UK beginning on Sunday.
•All passenger flights from the UK to the Netherlands have been banned until January 1, the Dutch government said. It later banned ferry passengers as well.
•Poland will be suspending flights from the UK starting from midnight on Monday.
•Romania has banned all flights to and from the UK for two weeks starting on Monday afternoon.
•Switzerland has stopped flights until further notice.
•Turkey said flights from the UK, Denmark – where nine cases of the new strain have been detected – the Netherlands and South Africa will be suspended.

Cidadãos brasileiros ou estrangeiros serão obrigados a apresentar um teste RT-PCR negativo para entrar no País a part...

Cidadãos brasileiros ou estrangeiros serão obrigados a apresentar um teste RT-PCR negativo para entrar no País a partir de 30 de dezembro. O exame detecta a presença do coronavírus no organismo. A medida foi publicada em edição extra do Diário Oficial da União desta quinta-feira, 17.

A portaria 630, assinada pela Casa Civil, reforça a proibição de entrada de estrangeiros no País por via terrestre ou aquaviária. A exceção é para cidadãos da Venezuela.

O viajante deverá fazer o teste com no máximo 72 horas de antecedência do embarque e receber um resultado negativo (não reagente). O comprovante deve ser apresentado à companhia aérea antes do embarque. Além disso, precisa preencher a Declaração de Saúde do Viajante (DSV) concordando com as medidas sanitárias a serem cumpridas no Brasil. O governo não detalha quais medidas são essas.

Quem descumprir a determinação estará sujeito a ser responsabilizado nas formas civil, administrativa e penal. O infrator também poderá ser deportado ou repatriado imediatamente e, se for o caso, poderá ter o pedido de refúgio inabilitado.


We at Miss Moody Travel wish our clients and friends a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We know that this past...

We at Miss Moody Travel wish our clients and friends a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We know that this past year has been very difficult for everyone and we pray that the coming year brings more blessings and health for your families. Sending all our love and best wishes for better times ahead!


These new rules only apply to England. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have different regulations. If you are in En...

These new rules only apply to England. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have different regulations. If you are in England and you have a package holiday abroad between 5 November and 2 December your trip will be cancelled and you’ll get a refund. Those with flight-only bookings may not get be offered a refund if their flight isn’t cancelled.

Jet2 has cancelled more flights and holidays to the Canary Islands as Spain shows no sign of being removed from the UK's...

Jet2 has cancelled more flights and holidays to the Canary Islands as Spain shows no sign of being removed from the UK's quarantine list.

The country, along with the islands, has been on the quarantine list since July 26 as coronavirus cases become the worst in Europe.

The tour operator announced on social media that all trips to Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote and Fuerteventura have been cancelled until October 17.

While flights hoped to resume from September 27, the cancellation has been extended once again.

Jet2 has announced further extensions to its flight and holidays suspensions to certain European cities, following the l...

Jet2 has announced further extensions to its flight and holidays suspensions to certain European cities, following the latest government travel advice.

The travel operator has announced that flights to Paris, Prague and Budapest will be further suspended until late November 2020.

This company also recently announced that it will be suspending more flights and holidays to the Canary Islands, including the popular destinations of Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura and Lanzarote.

Jet2 has announced further extensions to its flight and holidays suspensions to certain European cities, following the l...

Jet2 has announced further extensions to its flight and holidays suspensions to certain European cities, following the latest government travel advice.

The travel operator has announced that flights to Paris, Prague and Budapest will be further suspended until late November 2020.

This company also recently announced that it will be suspending more flights and holidays to the Canary Islands, including the popular destinations of Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura and Lanzarote.

Returning to Uk? You must complete the passenger locator form online before you arrive in the UK from any country. This ...

Returning to Uk?

You must complete the passenger locator form online before you arrive in the UK from any country. This includes if you’re travelling from a country or territory where you do not have to self-isolate when you arrive in the UK. You must complete this form even if you’ve already completed a different form to enter another country.
If you do not complete the form before you arrive in the UK, it’s likely to take you longer to enter the UK.
You cannot submit the form until 48 hours before you’re due to arrive in the UK.

You must complete the form online. Do not print out the form and fill it in by hand.
The government will use the information you give to contact you if you or someone you’ve travelled with develops coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms.
If you need to self-isolate for the first 14 days after you arrive in the UK, the government will also use the information to check that you’re self-isolating.

After you complete the form
After you submit the form you’ll receive a confirmation email with a document attached. Before you arrive at the border, you must either:
* print a copy of the document
* download the document on your phone
You’ll need to show this document when you arrive in the UK. Border Force officers will scan the QR code at the top of this document to check you have completed the form successfully.
If you develop coronavirus symptoms
Do not travel if you have coronavirus symptoms.

San Francisco International Airport (SFO) has announced plans to advance a future runway improvement project, originally...

San Francisco International Airport (SFO) has announced plans to advance a future runway improvement project, originally slated for 2022, to be undertaken in October 2020. The project, which will upgrade an area where multiple runways intersect, is being completed nearly two years ahead of schedule to take advantage of the current reduced flight activity resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.
The project will repave a section of Runway 28R, where it intersects with two other runways, 1L and 1R. This will require the closure of two of San Francisco Airport's four runways for a period of eight days, from 8 October to 15 October 2020. All runways are expected to be reopened by 16 October 2020.

San Francisco Airport officials chose to advance this construction project to this current period of reduced flight activity, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in order to reduce the extent of delays and cancellations caused by the runway closures. During this fall period, airlines are currently planning to operate about 40 percent of the flights originally scheduled prior to the pandemic.

During the eight-day runway closures, airport officials expect that roughly 30 percent of all flights will experience delays, with most delays occurring on flights scheduled between 9:00 to 12:00 and 17:00 to 20:00. Both arriving and departing flights are expected to be affected during these periods.


15 Little Portland Street

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 2pm





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