Years back, CAC certificate was very powerful and enough prove to convince embassy that you own a company . But unfortunately, it's no longer the way it used to be.
So, It is important to enlighten clients that presenting CAC certificate to embassy is no longer enough prove that they own a company.
Years back, you go through long process to have your company registered with cooperate affairs commission (CAC). But it's now easy, cheap and accessible to all. Anybody can now register a company within few days.
Meanwhile, consulate officers are aware of this development. This is why you now need additional certifications to convince consulate officers that you truly own a standard organization.
Things listed below must be functional for embassy to believe that your company is truly classified.
(1) The company should be active:
Presenting inactive CAC certificate will surely sabotage your efforts because embassy will confirm on CAC portal if the company is active.
(2)Tax clearance certificate:
It is important to pay pax regularly and get your tax clearance certificate. This will increase your chances of getting visa approved .
(3) CEO is also a staff:
You should understand that CEO of a company is also a staff in the organization. So, CEO should be receiving salary like other staff. While applying for visa as the CEO of a company, you should present CEO's salary account statement together with company's account statement or CEO's salary account statement alone.
(3) Additional certifications :
Kindly be advised to have additional certifications like NAFDAC, SON, TRADEMARK, COPYRIGHT and so on. You should also try to join associations in your area of specialization. Getting it will convince consulate officers that their intentions are genuine.
I truly understand how annoying it is for clients who have enough money in their bank account to be refused visa because because consulate officers think they will overstay. Meanwhile, their intention is genuine and they only intend to spend few weeks abroad and return to Nigera.
Proper orientation will not only increase their chances of getting visas approved but also give you success stories.