Step three, once the cake has been baked, filled, covered I start the decorations. Here I made a cheetah, I made a base of Rice Krispies and marshmallows to give me volume but without the heavy weight of sugar paste. Once I had the shape I added detail with edible lustres. And voila! The process takes at least three days, sometimes more! What did you think??
Today I thought my first cake decorating class! If you would like to learn anything and everything about cake decorating please get in touch!! Scroll through to see what we created!
Step two… covering the cake with fondant… would you like to learn how to do this? Get in touch!
Fondant decorations or buttercream?Each one for a different look and occasion, which one do you prefer?
Someone once said: “ A man’s/woman’s accomplishments in life are the cumulative effect of his /her attention to DETAIL. I obviously loved this quote!
For more Images check my website - link in bio
#bakerbyte #sugarart #bespokecakeslondon #victoriagoldaracena #bestcakeslondon #detailcake #attentiontodetailcake #customcakelondon
Reminiscing a hilarious trip to Russia with the ultimate group of friends. #cupcakes #bakerbyte #sugarart #themedcupcakes
A year to travel the world! On my list of things to do! #travelcake #bakerbyte #sugarart #bespokecakes
Doing the final touches on the batimovil! #batmancake #sugarart #bakerbytecakes #fondantart #fondantartist
Making a “batimovil” using home made Rice Krispies as a base to enable the figure to be bigger but also lighter. A technique I learnt from @carloslischettiofficial #carloslischetti #sugarart #bakerbyte #batmovilcake
Why do these incredibly strong and beautiful animals help us imagine wonderful other ways of being in this world? #quikstories #sugarart #horsecake #bakerbyte
Creating white roses for a beautiful first Holy Communion cake. Did you know that white roses are one of the most traditional wedding flowers? I wonder what type of flowers will be used on Saturday for the big Royal Wedding? Any predictions? 😄
#holycommunion #holycommunioncake #christeningcake #cakedecoratingvideos #cakemaker #whiterose #bespokecake #londoncakemaker #bakerbyte