We are group of driving school inspectors at Victoria Australia institute,we are able to offer a registered,Original and verified driver’s license without driving test with any driver’s category of your choice. A driver license is required in Australia before a person is permitted to drive a motor vehicle of any description on a road in Australia. The rules for the obtaining of licenses vary betwe
en states and territories, but a driver license issued in one Australian state or territory is generally recognized and valid in the other states and territories. The minimum unsupervised driving age is 18 years in Victoria and 17 years in all other states (New South Wales, South Australia, Victory, Western Australia and the ACT). Driving is an essential, important, and joyful skill to surviving in Australia. Every state and territory has its own process and requirements to gain an Australian driving license. Young and fresh drivers taking a long period to get their license, whereas mature and well-trained drivers or those overseas license holders can often speed up the process and pass the tests easily. Obtaining a driver’s license in Australia can be a lengthy and expensive exercise. This step is an eyesight test when applying for a driving test or license. Those who are South Wales residents can take the Driver’s Knowledge Test in Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, Greek, Korean, Serbian, Spanish, Turkish, and Vietnamese. If your language is not enlisted, you have the right to request an interpreter service for the test. After passing the driver’s knowledge test, drivers are issued with an L-plate. The purpose of L-plate is to start taking lessons on the road. Before progressing to a practical test to obtain a license – there is a test called the Hazard Perception Test that judges the ability of learners to recognize potentially dangerous situations. Most states and territories have specific rules for young drivers which are under 25 to log between 50 – 120 hours of supervised driving by a well-trained instructor or a person with a full license. Different states and territories required a different number of driving hours. Buy real driver’s license online, Buy authentic Australian driver’s license online, Buy real New South Wales driver’s license online, Buy real and Victoria driver’s license online, Buy real Western Australian driver’s license online, Buy real South Australian driver’s license online, Buy real and Queensland driver’s license online, Buy real and Tasmania driver’s license.