Assalamualaykum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh,ahlan wa sahlan marhaba,welcome, may Allah taala bless you with good in this dunya and in the hereafter and prayers and blessing be upon The Holy Prophet his family, companions and all the believers men and women first and last. All your life you have prayed, fasted and given charity and engaged in other good deeds. Now, only one pillar remains; a pillar
combining physical, financial and spiritual actions , an act dating back to the time of prophet Ibrahim Alayhisalam; the Hajj. Muslims from all over the world, from every corner of the globe white, black and brown gather in Makkah in answering the call of Allah subhanatala and his Messenger Muhammad alayhisalam, to commemorate the Divine rituals observed by the Prophet Abraham and his son Ishmael, who were the first pilgrims to the house of Allah subhantaala on earth: the Ka'bah sharif. Standing before Allah subhanataala on the plains of Arafat and begging Him to forgive your sins, making zikr and resting alongside other Muslims from all over the world under the open sky in Muzdalifah and adding to the mountain of stones thrown at the jamarat in Mina. Making tawaf within touching distance of the Ka’bah, where each prayer is rewarded 100000 times and drinking from the blessed well of zam zam and visiting and praying in the Prophet’s mosque in Madinah sharif. How many wish for this opportunity and eagerly await the arrival of the blessed month of dhul hijjah? Will you be among the blessed ones this year? We pray that Allah subhanataala blesses you with the ability to fulfill this important obligation.