The idea of fablre started against backdrop of entrepreneurial aspirations espoused by fashion professionals and our shared aspirations for creating value in fashion industry. fablre is a showcase and discovery platform for the fashion industry professionals across the globe. It supports the designer community by boosting their ability to showcase talent through their creations, updating their ach
ievements/ media coverage and allowing discovery thus maximizing exposure. Boutiques, Online retailers, Merchants, Agents and more anywhere in the world will have the access to the uploaded portfolios which will help increase the designers’ reach to showcase their products without boundaries. Making people aware of the wide range of designer clothes being turned in everyday, fablre also aims at catering to these potential consumers and hence ultimately increasing business for the designers. fablre believes in open communication between fashion industry participants and thus foresees democratization of this industry. We value your suggestions foremost and hence welcome your feedback on every aspect of fablre.