Carer Tanita Whitlock, 27, got the fright of her life when she saw a bizarre “white orb” floating towards her beloved brother’s ashes in Leicester.
She and her partner, Mekiah, 24, also a carer, and their three children, two of whom are aged 11, and a toddler aged two, were scared out of their wits.
The mum explained that she woke up at 10.35pm upon hearing a notification on her mobile alerting her to a possible intruder downstairs.
The full-time carer said: "My phone makes a text sound, so it alerted me that a person was detected in the living room.
"I thought it was one of the kids, and checked the CCTV footage - as it replays six seconds of what was happening."
She explained: "What I saw was strange, it appeared out of nowhere, like a tiny smoke ball.
"But it dragged across the screen and got lighter and lighter towards the end, and it left a trail of light behind.
"I went through the complete clip, told my partner, he was spooked, and then called my mum, because she is a spiritual person.
"She said 'oh it's an orb', because it was travelling and it didn't float, it actually travelled, so it was strange - she said it was a positive energy orb."
She said: "My brother was killed a few years ago, and where the orb was travelling to was where my brother's ashes were in the living room."
Tanita added: “We’ve got a shrine for him in the house and my mum believes in these things, and she thinks it’s a good energy orb, and it was his positive spirit following me around.
“It sounds like I’m a crazy but I’m not I could see it all. It’s mad.”
She said: “There’s no logical explanation for it, I’ve re-winded it so many times, and it’s so weird, and I can’t think it must be anything else other than the fact it’s a ghost.
“The app messaged me to say there was a person detected downstairs, so I checked the camera, and it said 'click here if no person detected' and then I saw that flying across the screen.
“And I was like oh my God, all my curtains are shut, my night vision is on, there’s no other lights on, you can even here the interference as its flying across the room.
“I just don’t know what it could be, there wasn’t ever traffic.
“It’s just the strangest thing I’ve ever seen, it’s so bizarre and out of this world.”