We are seeing an increasing move towards immersive, conservation and educational focused family travel. With this in mind we are excited to announce that Antilophia have partnered with Simply Learning Tuition, who offer first class travelling tutors to accompany families on their trips abroad. A private tutor (either online or travelling with you) will ensure your children maintain their academic achievements, whilst also enabling you as family, to travel within a time frame that suits the schedules of both adults and children, broadening horizons without boundaries.
In travel, children learn to adapt to environments that are polar opposite to their own and naturally they open up their minds and soak up differences in beliefs and perspectives; they can approach other people with compassion and understanding; they can take the time to slow down and remember what they learned and how they felt. In short, children who travel see the bigger picture of the world and it is a privilege for us, at Antilophia, to be a part of this.