Hi all, it’s been some time since we last posted. It’s sad to say we are still closed and going to be closed a lot longer than expected. Not all hope is lost.
The llamas are doing well, still naughty and mischievous as always 😄. Although we haven’t made public yet that we have had two pass away. We had our biggest loss mouse trap which some of you will know she was our oldest and kindness llama. She always gave hugs and attention and set a good example for the others. We also lost ash quite recently who would have been 2 years old this February coming up. He had a few medical issues which couldn’t be helped and sadly he passed away. His best friend Mickey who was only born a month apart is so sad to have lost him as we are too. These two will always be remembered in our hearts ❤️.
VOUCHERS: if you have llama trekking vouchers and are seeking a refund. Please please bare with us, due to us closing down we have no income for the llamas any more so refunding each voucher is becoming a challenge but not impossible. If you would like a refund please do give us time as we do understand and will always try to help, it may take time.
We may be able to run an event for voucher holders in the future or this year where you can come use your vouchers and spend time with the llamas as you would of normally, we are scratching our brains every day for ideas 💡.
The website is still up and running and any money made on our shop goes towards the llamas food and health as well as refunds.
Thank you for your time to read this post. ❤️