And we are done! Everyone accounted for, course dismantled and
thank you so much to EVERYONE who raced and volunteered, it was amazing.
A full post and email will go out in the next few days with images, results etc but for now, chill, put your feet up and enjoy a well earned rest!
Please do send in any photos you may have, and I'll share some here and on the website.
We've had some great feedback, so thank you. I will be sending a survey out over the coming days if you wouldn't mind taking some time to give us feedback. Full results and pictures will go live in the next couple of days also, plus a race report so please do keep an eye on this page and the site.
I have some lost property, I'll send details round in an email later, but if you think you've left something please email [email protected] with a description.
We collected a boot load of kit for Kitsquad, and will donate over £600 between Friends of Mortimer Forest and Herefordshire Wildlife Trust. Thank you so much for you generosity!
Finally, a massive thanks to our suppliers Pretender to the Throne for the amazing awards, Podium Catering for top notch food and Preloved Sports CIC for the reuseable 4-mile numbers. You all helped make this a great event!