Want to retain more customers and increase staff productivity?
You might be thinking, hmm... what AV equipment can I have installed for a reasonable budget that will provide increased profits and customer retention?
Well I have a few suggestions that I will share with you as follows;
1) What music source do you use? Are you using an old phone or tablet with a boot time of 10 minutes that the staff struggle with every single evening, when their time could be well spent elsewhere? If this was your car you would swap it for something more reliable, am I right? Are your staff playing the correct playlist or something completely inappropriate? Is the lack of music or the wrong music genre driving customers away an reducing revenue?
If this is a familiar story then we suggest using a commercial music account such as Soundtrack your brand. We fit a Soundtrack box to your audio system, you remotely create your playlists which can be timed across the working day, your staff cannot change playlists and the music can be timed to switch on and off, simple but effective system which can increase staff productivity.
2) Digital Signage - How do you get the message across of a new promotion to your customers, with a USB stick into a TV? Fiddly to set up and configure? Then use a remotely managed digital signage system with scheduling, rotate your content at key times, switch content across multi screens during the day.
3) Audio control - How do you control audio volume and music sources across a multi floor venue? With a few control plates in a cupboard? Consider a digital audio matrix located in your audio rack which can be remotely operated via a mobile device rather than control plates on a wall. Also consider auto gain controls to stop your DJ's driving the speakers to an unacceptable level and auto audio level controls via a room sensor which modulate the audio level according to the background noise environment.
We have other revenue generating audio visual solutions for you, with a quick return on investment. If you wish to learn more please send me a DM or send an email to [email protected]